(no subject)

Apr 21, 2009 22:55

I don't think I can ever remember a time in my life when I was busier, or actually legitimately tired for good reason (not just from staying up late because I could) than I am right now.

Tomorrow is a big, major legislative hearing on same-sex marriage in Maine. Matt and I have been volunteering with EqualityMaine a bunch; doing phone banks; calling people to try to get them to call their legislators in hopes of persuading them to vote in favor of the bill. The events tomorrow begin early in the morning. We're probably getting up around 5. Ugh. I'm super excited, though. Eee!

Thursday, we're taking a trip to Sabbathday Lake to talk to one of the few remaining Shakers left in the country (world? I think? maybe?).

Friday we're not doing anything big--I'm volunteering at the hospital--but then this weekend is training in Portland with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. I'm nervous about that--we were given a "homework assignment" to make a list of 50 people we know, to call during a big phone bank and ask to either volunteer or donate. I'm going to feel like a pain in the ass.

Our cat has successfully chewed through two AC adapters for laptops, rendering them useless. Thankfully I got an extra warranty for the new laptop through Best Buy when I bought it--they should be able to hook me up with a new one. Hopefully. Argh.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's all.

politics, cats, equalitymaine, travel

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