I need to update more often.

Nov 22, 2008 03:24

We went and saw Twilight tonight.


It wasn't bad, but I was kind of thinking I'd like it better than I did. I was very intentionally avoiding the whole buzz around the books, etc., just because it was soooo popular and I hate that sort of shit, but then I saw the movie's trailer and thought it might be good. I don't know. It was okay. I don't feel like it was a complete waste of my time, but it wasn't really my kind of thing.

The audience filled to the brim with teenage girls was amusing, though. :)

I spent most of yesterday online, customizing the fuck out of everything. Gmail now has THEMES which I find really fucking exciting. Haha. I also changed the themes of my iGoogle page and my LJ. These are the sorts of things I spend hours on some days.

The shower in the apartment upstairs is dripping into our ceiling. The one ceiling tile sort of fell apart so there is a big ol' hole in our bathroom ceiling, with insulation sticking out of it. I'm still not entirely sure whether or not the problem has been fixed. Also the toilet seat has come completely off and neither of us is able to fix that, AND the bathroom sink's water volume has diminished to a mere trickle. God I love this apartment. :D Haha.

I'm feeling more comfortable being here. I do miss home, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm finally standing on my own two feet here. I also, though, feel like I'm getting a little too... pragmatic and/or boring. I'm not sure what to write about here anymore.


apartment, maine, movies, the internet

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