A day late, but I was actually being social for once yesterday. ;)
From the
1. Do you live in a climate that has noticeable seasonal changes in weather? Yes. We have super-humid summers, and then winters where we freeze to death and get legendary lake-effect snowfall that measures in feet. Spring and fall don't seem to last long enough here, but we have both of those, too.
2. Are seasons and climate a factor in your decisions about where to live? Uh, well, kind of. I'd like for it to be more of one, but my veritable lack of financial independence, along with other things rule out the spontaneous move to greener pastures I often fantasize about for the time being. This will probably be more of a consideration for me when I'm older and (hopefully) will have more options. :)
3. Do you have a favorite season? If so, which one? I like spring a lot.
4. If so, what makes it your favorite? If not, why not? Spring for me signifies an "awakening," I guess, from the dullness and cold of winter. The trees start budding, you remember how lovely the green grass can be, you can finally go outside without having to bundle up (during the day, at least!), which I hate doing... and it's not TOO hot yet.
5. If you could design your perfect cycle of seasons, what would it look like? Not this! Haha. I'd like for it to be spring/early summer-like temperatures all year, really, but then I think about it more and I wonder if I wouldn't feel weird having no variation. I don't really mind the cold TOO much. Just give me a climate with extremely rare or non-existant snow and I'll be happy.
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My car had a flat tire! I drove to Oswego the other day and when I came back, my left front tire was whistling. The next morning, it was flat. My friend Matt came over and fixed it for me--it was a screw I'd picked up somewhere. Then we proceeded to go out to his house and celebrate the fact that he is not the father of his crazy ex-girlfriend's kid.
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I had a good dream the other night! After a couple weeks of vaguely ominous (or sometimes flat-out scary) dreams, it was welcome. It's difficult to convey because it didn't have a "storyline" per se... but it involved this group of creative, artistic thinkers that I found somewhere and started hanging out with. We devised various art projects and inspired each other and met up in interesting coffee shops. It was neat.