I've been staying with my friend Micheline at her apartment in Canton, NY since last Wednesday. There's been much sexual innuendo, a game of Truth Or Dare (which I suck at), a wasted trip to Watertown to go to a gay bar that no one else (including the owners) bothered to show up at, prank phone calls, movie-watching, junk food consumption, and a good time in general. I like her apartment and I'm really thrilled with the experience of apartment living again. I'm reminded of the good times at college. I kind of love this "adjustment" phase of young adulthood, where you have your own place but don't keep it anywhere near immaculate most of the time, and where you're fine with making meals out of whatever scraps you can find or with eating pizza out of the box on the bed, using toilet paper in lieu of napkins/paper towels. There's a certain appeal in it for me.
Micheline's been working a lot, though, and HOLY SHIT is there nothing to do up here. Well, sorta. There's a movie theater and a couple of fast food joints, and there's a coffee shop that looks pretty cute but that I haven't gone into because I'm pretty broke--the only coffee I can afford right now is the stuff I can get for "free" with my Dunkin' Donuts gift card. (Only like four dollars left on that, though. :( ) Her apartment is also on the second floor of her building, with outside concrete steps and no elevator. I can get down them okay, but getting up I'm pretty sure I need someone there to help me, and I... don't really know anyone else around here, so that's kind of a pain in the ass.
I was also living with no cable television and no internet for the past few days, but thankfully tonight I somehow magically procured a connection to some wireless network that lets me get online. (For a few hours I was being mercilessly teased by Micheline's laptop which showed me as connected to a wireless network... but unable to connect to the internet. Frustrating.)
I watched Natural Born Killers and was ridiculously confused. I watched Rent and was disappointed/bored throughout about 90% of it.
I'll probably be heading home Monday morning, as I have a doctor's appointment to make early in the afternoon. Also I'm somewhat broke, as far as money that I can access without a hassle. I'm going to have to borrow some from Micheline for gas before I leave, I think. Although my car is pretty good on gas, and I think I made it here on less than half a tank. Hmm.
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PJ Harvey is pretty much my latest musical obsession. The thing I love so much about her is that she's always surprising me. I listened to "Down By The Water" earlier and it wasn't really what I was expecting at all. But, you know. In a good way.
Hope you're all doing well! And
ii, hang out with me, god damn it. ;)