things and stuff

Oct 18, 2007 01:50

My visit with Grandpa and Gen went well, after I endured several small ordeals on the way there (forgetting the paperwork for my doctor, getting gasoline sprayed all over my shoes at the gas station, and then driving in the pouring rain on the Thruway). We ate out a lot, went on a train ride along the Hudson River in the Adirondack Mountains, went to Bennington, VT and drove past the cemetery where Robert Frost is buried, did a little shopping, and I got to visit my great-grandma for a little bit. I came back on Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, I went to the UU church. It was Association Sunday, which is basically just the UUA asking for money... I like what they're doing, but I wasn't really ready to make much of a financial contribution yet. I put a couple bucks in the collection plate. After the service, I headed into the social hall and Mardie (the woman who I spoke with at the welcoming table on my first Sunday of the "official" church year) told me that they were having their UU 101 class across the hall, so I headed over there. It was basically a thing for newcomers to the church and/or to UUism in general, to get them acquainted with the "faith" (it almost seems improper to call it that) and to May Memorial (the congregation I go to) itself. Afterwards, I was talking to the woman who had organized the class... I'd heard during the service that there was going to be a one-man performance in the character of Clarence Darrow later on in the afternoon and it sounded interesting, but I had nothing to do for the two hours until it started. This woman who had been in the class with me was standing in the hall behind me, waiting for her husband to come out of the bathroom, and she came up behind me and invited me to lunch with them and their two daughters, to eat up some time. How nice! We originally planned to go to some place called King David's Restaurant, but that was closed, so we ended up at Uno Chicago Grill. They paid for my meal! They were super nice people, and actually came from the Watertown area... which is a much longer drive than what I drive to get there. Hopefully I'll see them again at some point. :)

Then I went back to MMUUS and saw the Clarence Darrow thing, and that was awesome.

Since then, I've been recuperating from too much activity (haha) and overdosing on the internet. I've got a thinky post I keep trying to formulate in my head that I'll probably write sometime relatively soon. Maybe. I'm at this kind of weird place where I don't know how to talk or write about anything, and I keep getting into positions where I realize that I don't really know how to relate to the world on an adult level. I feel like I talk about my parents too much. *sigh* I'LL JUST DIE! ;)

Oh, I also stretched my septum again yesterday. I'll post about that soon too, perhaps. I took some pictures but I look like serious ass in them so I'm hesitant to post them. Haha.


uu, mmuus, septum, family, travel

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