(no subject)

Jun 28, 2007 11:37

I just woke up from one of those very weird, semi-unstructured, vivid dreams that I always find so interesting. Since I neglected to bring along with me to Maine the dream notebook I've been keeping, you all get to hear about it, too! Joy! :) Forgive the lack of a real plotline.

I was going to a concert of some sort. (I think this was spawned by my desire to go back to Boston and relive that whole concert experience because I enjoyed it so.) Since no one wanted to go with me, I was going alone. My family, of course, was freaking out at the notion of my going by myself... but several members of my family were involved in getting me to the place: helping me pack, driving me to the bus/train/whatever station, etc.

I swear I've seen this transportation station in dreams once before. The buses you rode on were super-tall though not double-decker, and they had their own special tracks to get between places, almost like a subway or a train. But I don't think they were supposed to be either one of those things. *shrug*

The traveling part of a dream is kind of a blur, and maybe it didn't even happen. Eventually I ended up at the hotel I was to be staying in, and for some reason, my grandmother was still there with me. The inside of the hotel was all golden and fancy. There was a handicapped ramp leading from the entranceway of the place down to the front desk where I was to check in. I started walking down it but decided I wasn't moving fast enough, and slid and bounced down the rest of it on my butt. (I'm always having issues with walking in my dreams... losing my balance, even if I'm riding my scooter; not being able to walk and having to either crawl or hover above the ground; things like that. I can never tell if I actually have my disability in my dreams--I mean, like, whether I'm wearing my braces and such--but I always have some sort of trouble if I try to walk, so I think that's my dream-self's manifestation of it.)

So I went to the front desk and asked for a single room, with my grandma in the background sputtering about me not being able to handle being by myself. (I love how this part of the dream was so true to life... and the way I just ignored it. Haha.) The woman quoted me some ridiculous price, like in the thousands, but that I could pay just $16 a night and I'd be covered. I realized she, for some reason, was thinking I wanted to rent an apartment and had given me a monthly quote, so I tried to correct her thinking on that, but she'd have none of it. I think I ended up settling for what she was telling me and paid thousands of dollars for just the one night. Weird.

Anyway, I did end up at the concert eventually, somehow. I don't think I saw that part of the traveling, either. The first row of seats was actually on the stage, which I thought was weird. There apparently wasn't any sort of seating arrangement and you could sit wherever you wanted, so naturally I sat in the front row, on the stage. I don't remember too much of the concert except that Sublime was there (it was kind of a festival thing, with multiple performers), and that they played "Same in the End" at one point (one of my favorite Sublime songs) and I was onstage dancing/moshing with Bradley Nowell. Hm. Haha.

The detail of this dream that I found the strangest and most interesting was that, in my backpack, I was for some reason carrying around a flattened and decomposing human torso. I kept forgetting it was in there and unzipping the bag, only to be startled and close it right away. I think someone in my vicinity saw the torso at one point, and I had to come up with an explanation for it, like I was in med school and dissecting a human torso was my homework for the weekend or something.

I guess that's basically it.


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