4am and I still have an exam to write and a couple homework assignments to do

Aug 02, 2010 04:14

I hate the end of semesters so freaking much.

I really wonder, sometimes, if academia is decidedly NOT where I belong, and I should pursue some relatively uninvolved career path and save the learning and introspection for my own personal time. Lately I've been thinking medical transcription.

But, fuck, I can't COMMIT to anything. I started off at this school doing social work related stuff... decided I wasn't interested in that and wanted to work in politics and maybe go to law school (pfft!)... and now I've procrastinated on homework for my philosophy class and, reading some of the assigned articles that I'm supposed to write about, I'm totally flabbergasted and feeling worthless. And so now I've arrived at the medical transcription path.

I'd probably start that and get bored and pissed off that the people in my classes are soulless and boring.

What the fuck, man. What is wrong with me.

procrastination, school, college

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