May 22, 2010 08:34
It's 8am and of course I've been up all night. The last time I was up early, and had gotten sleep, was before I dropped my morning class from spring semester. There's a certain sort of peace and joy in the morning that I miss out on, sleeping through them all the time. But then, I'm such a late-night person. There's a whole other sort of peace and joy in the nighttime, too. I guess I'll just take each day as it comes. Maybe someday I'll be more of an early to bed, early to rise type. :)
So, school. I finished spring semester with a B in algebra and a B- in the developmental disabilities class that was infuriatingly boring and unchallenging, and which I barely ever studied for. Haha. The paper I was stressing about in one of my recent entries earned me an A, which probably kept me from getting a C in that one class, so that was good. (Although I was a bit stunned when I got the paper back and saw my grade--I basically wrote it in the span of one night and one afternoon, hadn't had the required amount of resources, and ended it a bit abruptly. I guess good writing skills take me far. Heh.)
I'm taking two classes this summer: an introductory course in Western philosophy, which began last week, and Sociology 101, which doesn't start until the end of June. The philosophy class is going well so far and I'm pretty confident that I'll do pretty well in it, as long as I don't procrastinate all semester. :) The syllabus for sociology is up on Blackboard (it's mostly an online course), and that one seems pretty easy to succeed in--which is both a blessing and a curse for me. :) I want good grades, but I've also always craved stimulation from my classes. We'll see how it goes. This time 'round, I feel more mature and more dedicated to just getting the work done, even if the instructor's methods don't inspire me to push myself a bit further.
Also have gotten signed up for courses for the fall, and according to the transfer coordinator at the school, I should earn my associate's degree by the end of the spring 2011 semester, if all goes according to plan. I'm pretty stoked about that, and I've started thinking some about where I want to go afterwards. I'd really love to attend a women's college, but that may not be possible if Matt and I still want to live together. We'll see.
Our living quarters, speaking of, are so terrible I mostly just want to distract myself with the internet, and be gone or sleeping in the interim. Haha. We really need a bigger, more organized, cleaner apartment. Finding accessible housing is such a pain in the ass, though. I have found one place on craigslist that might be okay, but a) I haven't gone to look at it yet, and b) we'd need a ramp installed to be able to get in and out of the place. It has laundry facilities, but they're in the basement the way they are in this building, and that is also difficult. It's all gotten me pretty riled up occasionally, thinking about disability-rights related stuff. I want to have the same veritable ease as anyone does about where I live and where I can work, damn it. I know there is accessible housing available, but it seems generally marketed towards the elderly. Though I don't dislike the elderly and would not entirely rule out living in a community like that, it bugs me a bit, somehow. Can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost like, "here, here's your accessible housing; you and the old people live out in this retirement community and don't bother us able-bodied working folk no more." You know? Feels like segregation, somehow. I should find some literature, or some academics in disability studies or something, and try to find some things to read that could help me focus my feelings and be better able to articulate them.
And while we're on the subject of disability: I got some totally sweet-looking leg braces made, featuring some new technology. Only, the material they're made out of (carbon fiber) is a little too rigid. I suppose I should try them out a bit more before I make the determination they're utterly unusable, but from my minute-long trial in the orthotist's office while holding his hands for support, they just don't feel right to me. I'll have to make an appointment to see him soon and see what we can do.
I guess that's all for now. I should probably sneak in some sleep somewhere soon here, I guess. :)