Mar 20, 2004 14:48
Been learning much about studying scripture, praying, and living this Christian life and I like it. I'm seeing the Bible as less of a "book of answers and rules for how to live" and as more of a means through which God wants us to know about him, his family history, all of his past accomplishments, his personality, his HUGE plan to save us....And in seeing all of this, I see a new need to be one in mind, unified with the Father so that I can discern how I can, in each situation, live as one who is loved and in turn love others in a way that is effective to them - to be sensitive to the Spirit as to how I should love a person at any given moment to express God's love for them.
Anyway, as I contemplate that and am looking at my crazy schedule for the next couple days, I am trying to choose the best ways to spend my time. I have a book to read and a book review due Monday.....Sunday is packed with church stuff.....and I still need to go to the YMCA today, want to go to Crossroads at 530 and want to go see a friend's band play at 7? I think. Now....I cannot do all of that. So do I skip the Y, Crossroads, or the band? Haven't been to the Y since Wednesday (skipped yesterday), didn't go to Crossroads last weekend, but haven't been to a show in over a month.....If I hadn't done poorly on the last 2 assignments for this same class as the book review, I would be tempted to blow it off, but I cannot put it off until the last minute again.....not with 3 other midterm exams this week.
I'm gonna go for a quick run around the park next door.....