Noticing - HikaNoo

Jan 22, 2009 11:56

I recently realized that my Hikanoo fic for ain_chan can not be read on  Google Documents. So here it is. Enjoy~!^^

Title: Noticing
Author: KSaiko_No_Lady 
Pairing: HikaNoo & bit of TakaNoo(not too much, like two lines)
Rate: R
Genre/Description: Smut, Fluffy, 
Summary: Can strangers become lovers in an instant? Hikaru Yaotome, a fan of cars, is listening to music while finding a library. He lost his way and comes to a shrine, finding someone else stuck in a room with a drunk bastard. Not only does he act like its normal to talk to strangers, but he finds it normal to like one. How will this stranger react to Hikaru's feelings?
Notes: Wow. This is like, the first time my summary didn't suck... BUT I THINK I WROTE TOO MUCH. I bet you guys already know what's gonna happen. =.=" Hmph. D<

Walking around town in a brown men kimono, Hikaru talks to his friend about cars. "Hai, I got it!! Yellow Porsche? No way!! But I want... Oh, fine. But why? What if I want it? No! DON'T YOU DARE. Fine.. Oh, hai.. Jya~~" He hung up, pouting. "I wanted that car.."

Putting cars behind his back, Yaotome takes out his mp3 player and puts on music, placing the device in his underpants.

"Boom, chigga boom. Ai~Shi~Te~Ru!" Hikaru rapped, singing as well. He nodded his head, singing to himself.

"Hm? Where's the library?" Yaotome turned in circles, looking at his surroundings. "Eh? Where'd it go? I thought it was here a minute ago.." He walked into a store and asked if the library was near. The store manager laughed in his face. "Library? Sorry, sir. No library. Go out there!" He pointed his arm to a random direction, shooing him away. "Doko?" Hikaru asked, scratching his head. The old man kicked his butt, sending him out the door. "Don't ask me, stupid." He ran back in the store, leaving Yaotome to himself.

Sighing, Hikaru continued his way down the street, looking for the misplaced library. He walked long and far, the sun rising its highest.

"Tch. It's raining." He ran to a shrine, huffing. Seeing that he could stay here until he got some help, Hikaru settled down.

He lay on the cold floor, ready to take a nap. But sleep was interrupted as he heard someone hammering at a door. And that someone was calling for help. "Ah~! Tasukete!! Dare ka? Tasukete!!" Hikaru jumped up, running towards the storage room.

Turning the knob, Yaotome opened the door, holding a bat in hand. (Where he got the bat, i have no idea)

"Who's there?" He bellowed. But regretted it as he saw a beautiful woman in a silky kimono. Sad thing was, the kimono was ruffled and ripped, showing lots of skin. "Don't.." the woman began. But she was dragged to the corner of the room by a drunkard. "Oi, you bitch, come back over here." The drunk man, tried kissing her, but she squirmed away."Takaki! Stay away from me" She kicked him, face hurt.  "Don't be afraid. It won't hurt...Come back over he--" He looked at Hikaru.

"Why is that piece of shit here?" This so-called-Takaki yelled, jangling his arms.

"What's going on here?" Hikaru asked, looking at the girl, holding her remains of the kimono up.

"Nothing.. just having a little party..." Takaki looked back the girl and winked. She looked away, huddling closer to the corner.

"Don't you ever touch a girl like that again." Hikaru slapped Takaki, pushing him out of the room. The girl crawled forward, shaking her head.

Yaotome frowned and watched as the door closed. She got up and banged at the door yelling, "Noo!!! Open up!!" The piece of wood didn't budge.

"Baka!" She cursed, sitting down. "Anoo.. Daijoubu?" Hikaru asked, aware of the pieces of skin showing.

He began to have dirty thoughts as she moved around, the kimono rising up her legs and thighs.

Finally, the girl settled down and shivered, holding herself. "I can't believe this." Yaotome came over and sat next to her. "Ne, we're stuck here, aren't we?" She nodded, looking at him. But Hikaru shrugged the feeling off and resumed his rapping.


Kei looked at the teen before him, listening to music and singing like a maniac. Why is he acting so normal? There is a guy with a torn kimono right next to him!! So much skin of mine is showing and he acts like it's normal?!

Inoo huffed, scooting away from him.

Yaotome saw the movement and  sat on the other side of the room, while really looking at the girl. She looked feminine all right.. but there were men features as well.

"Boku wa Yaotome Hikaru desu. Yoroshiku." He continued rapping, but frequently sneaked a peak, looking at her. He noticed her nice brown hair, sexy long legs,,And he noticed her  nice flat chest(big boobs aren't everything) at that.. and those pink lips.. how they look moist and so chewy.. God damn! I'm getting horny off of a stranger!! And... Damn I wanna kiss those lips right now... *licks lips*

"I-Inoo Kei.." she whispered, blushing. Hikaru covered his nose, trying to hide the nosebleed he was having. Damn that blushing face of hers.. Those red chubby cheeks... that go along with those chewy lips.. I just wanna eat her...

"Eh?" Hikaru's mind snapped to a thought. "You're...m-male?" Kei nodded, licking those lips.

Gosh the way he licks them... wish he could lick me like that.

"Oh..I thought.. you were.." Yaotome cleared his throat, thinking it would be rude to say the "g" word. He nodded sadly kind of. "A lot of people think that. No wonder Takaki almost raped me." He sighed pulling his shoulder yoke over himself to cover his bare skin.

"You know him?" Hikaru frowned and plopped down across from Kei, still scanning the nice, girly body.

"Yeah.. he's an ex and we're just friends.. but when it comes to alcohol.." Inoo looked down, playing with the cotton kimono. His long, girly fingers just teasing Hikaru's taste buds. Wiping his drool, Yaotome became serious. "Sorry.. about the... door." He made a face of regret.

Kei giggled shyly, covering his mouth so Yaotome couldn't see his smile. Hikaru pouted a little and, just like he does with Kota and Dai-chan, he leaned in, one hand near his rear end  left thigh and the other on his right thigh.

"Y-Yaotome-s-san?" Inoo stuttered, clutching on tightly to Hikaru's shoulder yoke. Yaotome let their foreheads touch, surprised Inoo didn't reject either. He blew in the other's face, whining, "Why can't I see your smile, your laugh?" He froze, eyes wide. "E-Eh?"

"I want to see you smile..." Hikaru whispered, his cold breath tickling Kei's cheekbones. And he dove in, nipping Inoo's neck.

Yelping, Inoo began laughing and yelling, "Yaotome-san! It's tickles! ahahahah Yama ahahaha te! ahahahhaaa Stopppp!! It tickles!! ahahaaha"

Hikaru nipped him once more, but this time his lips lingered on the white neck. He murmured, "Seems like a certain someone is ticklish in this area.."

Inoo didn't understand why he didn't stop this stranger from biting his neck. He kind of... liked it.. and... never wanted the lips to move away. And when he heard those words from this teenager.. man.. whatever, andreline and intincts took over. "AND AROUND BETWEEN MY HIPS AND RIBS!!" He screamed. Gasping, Kei slapped his hand over his mouth, frightened. What did I just do?!

Raising an eyebrow once more, Hikaru laughs and trails kisses to the chewy lips, but stops as he kisses the edge.

"Y-Yaotome-sannn.." Inoo shivered, pulling more cloth around him. His legs were spread wide open and Yaotome had taken a spot in between.

"Please, just call me Hikaru. But 'Yaotome-san' is a more dirty title for me." He grinned, inching closer to those big lips.

Kei opened his jaw in horror. "You dirty man!" Hikaru laughed, pulling Inoo closer. "Then punish me..."

Inoo looked down, face flushed. "Y-Yada.." He blinked. Yaotome smirked. "But can you imagine? Calling me 'Yaotome-san' during sex?"

"Mou! We've just met, Yao-- Hikaru... Just change the subject." Inoo tried thinking of anything else but that.. and yet it came back. Calling him that during sex? ~~~"Uhnh! Yaotome-san.. Uhn! yes.. yes... motto~!" And Hikaru grunting as he bangs in him~~~ Yada~! I'm having some dirty thoughts...

Touching their noses, Hikaru looked into those frightened, brown eyes and, breathless with love, asked, "Ne, can strangers become lovers when love at first sight hits?" Kei thought for a moment..

He looked at the face, inspecting it. He saw the dark eyebrows, the wide eyes, the large nose.. and those thick lips... He noticed every detail----except for the eyes, he purposely avoided those---- and thought. Is it because he.. fell for me? Is that why he's doing this?  Kei blushed, thinking this. Hikaru pouted, knowing Inoo knew something he didn't. He pulled them closer, lips only centimeters away. Inoo followed his actions.

I bet he wants to kiss me... and those thick lips touching my big, fat ones.. I wonder if I kiss good.. Back to the point! Maybe he does like me... then what? Do I like him? Do I? I liked it when he nipped me.. when he tickled me.. I think about him in dirty ways... I already feel a need or want to caress those lips of his.. does it mean what i think it does... Yes! I like.. Hikaru Yaotome.

Before he could so do as confess, Hikaru already lost his patience and pressed their lips together. Kei froze in shock at the touch. How soft Yaotome's lips felt on his... And how he wanted so much feel them with more pressure.. but the thing was.. he didn't know how. He wasn't an expert at kissing let alone had his first. He sighed in the kiss, which probably told Yaotome he didn't like the kiss, and their lips detached from one another.

Inoo looked at him, apologizing with his eyes. He felt all rumbling inside and wanted to hug or to kiss him... but he still didn't know how. And they were strangers, random people who don't know each other. And yet.. he felt like he knew him somewhere or so.

The only action he did at this time, was lay his head on the thin shoulders. "Gomena..Hontou ni.. I really...kissing was...tamoshini desu." He buried his face deeper into the crook of Hikaru's neck, hugging the waist tighter. Noticing Yaotome didn't react, Inoo let go of him. "Did I do something wrong?" He continued to avoid Hikaru's eyes and looked down, ashamed.

But Yaotome chuckled and held those cheeks up. "Inoo look at me." Kei didn't have the strength to. Fear overruled him. "Kei, please." he pleaded, giving him a small peck. In alarm, Inoo looked up and saw beautiful black eyes, or were they just dark brown? But he swore he had never seen anything this beautiful in his life. And then he noticed. He noticed the hint of pain in Yaotome's eyes. The itching to hold him, to make love to him. Inoo wasn't sure anymore.

He touched Hikaru's warm cheeks, stroking them. "Gomenasai.."

But Yaotome shook his head. He went back to hugging him with closed eyes. Kei felt guilty and wanted to disappear. I even found out that I liked him. Yet I can't even show him my feelings.

With a deep breath, Inoo held Hikaru's shoulders up and looked into those pretty eyes. "I want... to.. kiss.. you." He said slowly, looking only at his lips.

Yaotome, swimming in shock, cocked his head to the side. His lips twitched upwards, a smile tugging. "Oh really?" he breathed in the ears. And then he nibbled a little bit on the earlobe and added, "Prove it."

Blushing, Kei took Yaotome's face in his hands. He brought the lips closer, finally crashing his lips to the others.

Inoo slid an arm around his neck, pulling them closer. Hikaru finally kissed back, deepening it. Kei wanted to make the kiss more excited and let his tongue free. It repeatedly licked Yaotome's lower lip, moistening them with delight.

Hikaru mewed, playing with the tongue. He finally caught it, and sucked hard, never letting it go. Inoo moaned, running his fingers through the black hair.

They released each other, panting. But that didn't stop them from becoming intimate. Hikaru let his tongue roam Inoo's neck. He let it swirl in circles on sensitive spots, hands caressing the white thighs.

"Hikaru..." Kei sighed softly, his fingers twisting in Yaotome's hair.

Yaotome stopped sucking and kissed the neck once more. He stared at Inoo, smiling. "You can call me 'Yaotome-san' now..." he offered, kissing the parted lips.

Inoo shook his head. "Just a kiss makes my heart beat 1,000,000,000,000 beats a second. Imagine sex... I'll be dead if you dare go naked on me." He let  out a long breath, taking in the details.

Hikaru snorted, pulling the waist closer to his, their privates colliding. Kei's eyes widened. He gripped his hips, stopping them. "N-No, please d-don't."

"But you're already half-naked.. Why not go full?" He lifted the cloth up, revealing the semi-erect member. "Ooohh, looks like somebody's in the mood~~" he teased, bending down to give a long, wet lick at the crotch.

Kei closed his eyes, arching his back slightly. "God. Fuck this." Yaotome tutted, shaking his head. "Now, Now, Kei. No cursing." He kissed him, nursing the plump lips.

"No, we can't do this. I barely even know you!" "And yet you said you wanted to kiss me. You let me kiss you. You moaned as I sucked on your neck. And yet you still don't want to make love?"

Inoo's cheeks were tinted with pink spots. "I..."

Hikaru pinned him to the wall, fingers locked on the tiny wrists. "Admit it, Kei. You like me. You want me as much as I want you. You want to make love to me. I know you do." he said through clenched teeth.

His fingers tickled the warm flesh, licking the shell of Kei's ear. "So don't run away from it." He whispered. Yaotome dove in, riding across the boy.

"No, please!" Inoo felt his cheeks become hot as he responded to Hikaru's ramming. Their raw flesh, sliding across each others, burned, pleasuring their needs.

Yaotome pounded on top of him, riding his itchy body. With every hard slam, he whispered desired words in Kei's ears. As he couldn't take it anymore, Inoo replied, "You're gonna regret you ever turned me on."

The younger man grinned. "You think you can have sex with me? Well, bring it on. Let's see who spills first."

Inoo gasped, pushing him off of him. "You sadistic!" he growled, crawling on top of him. Yaotome laughed. "I see you have an interest in sadistics. Why is that?"

"I like feisty guys..." Kei admitted, slightly blushing. He tilted his face, sinking into the seductive lips. Hikaru, a little jumpy, couldn't wait to be made love to by a girly boy. "Well, let's see what you got here. Come and make love to me..."

Inoo rolled his eyes, and began rolling his hips. Yaotome closed his eyes, enjoying this feeling. He rolled his as well, doubling the pleasure.

Kei molested various body parts and allowed Hikaru to wrap his legs around his waist, making it easier to caress them. His lips never disengaged from the younger's, the intensity growing stronger.

Already half naked, Inoo decided to just rip the rest off. He looked at Yaotome's kimono and growled, removing them anyway.

"Mou~! Kei... Just get in me!" Hikaru groaned, his stiff member hardening under the other's warm hands.

Smirking, Inoo looked around, searching for lube. He spot a bottle in his bag, but it was about a yard away. Not wanting to spoil the moment, Inoo just put his fingers in his mouth, a warm coating of saliva replaced the lube.

He slipped them in the tight hole and smiled as Hikaru whimpered. He pumped them, in and out, his grin becoming wider with Hikaru's whines.

Kei kissed the sweating neck and went back to nibbling on his ear. "Just a little bit more, Yaotome-san." He sang, blowing on the ear.

Yaotome shuddered, fingers twitching. "Ooh, you're gonna get something after you're done screwing with me." He moaned as Inoo began smooching his neck again, things getting wetter and wetter.

Inoo noticed that Hikaru had a nice trunk(THIS DOES NOT MEAN BUTT) with sexy abs. He licked a nipple, enjoying as Yaotome squirmed at the wet touch.

Finally done with the preparation, the fingers were replaced with Kei's damn huge crotch.

"Oh God, Kei!! Why do you have to have such a big cock?" He gasped, clutching on tight to the tatami mats.

The younger shrieked in pain as Kei continued to slowly slide into the small hole. Finally, ready for the love making, Hikaru settled down.

He grabbed Inoo's shoulders and pushed him down, his cock pushed all the way in.

Yaotome grinned, loving this sensation. "More, Kei.." He pleaded, moved his hips upward.

They thrusted into each other, enjoying the wet orgasm.

Kei had his tongue coiled around a hard nipple, his rims were working on their own, thrusting harder with each push.

"God, harder." He moaned even though Inoo had just hit his sweet spot.

He groaned with each touch of Inoo's. He could feel those fingers just pumping around his shack.

"I.. can't take it.. anymore" He managed to choke out.

Yaotome shook his head, pulling Kei closer to his neck. "Just make me go."

Kei smiled to himself, smooching the sweating neck.

His left hand  held onto Hikaru's hips, pulling them up, and his other wrapped itself around the stiff member.

Hikaru groaned as he felt himself coming. Those last few kisses he shared with Inoo were amazing as their tongues lingered.

"Unnhhhh..." After spilling, Yaotome knew Kei was going pulling out, but he forced the boy back in. "No, keep on going. I want you to spill, too."

He laid back, enjoying himself as Inoo pushed hard.

And his mouth couldn't help make more lustful sounds as his sweet spot was hit many times over and over again.

Finally, Inoo leaked. He pulled out, collapsing right next to Hikaru.

"Told you." He mumbled, hugging him. Hikaru pouted and fell asleep, hands touching and rubbing all over Kei's ass.


Yaotome awoke and it was about 3:00 in the morning. He saw a shadow sitting next to him with its chest hanging out.

"Kei?" He called, eyes barely open. Inoo turned to face him and Hikaru saw that he was wearing his kimono.

"Why are you wearing my kimono?" He asked, pulling Kei down next to him.

Inoo snuggled into him. "Because my clothes are a wreck. There's probably another pair in the restroom." He sighed, playing with a red bud.

"Eh? Restroom?" Hikaru raised an eyebrow. Kei nodded. "Yep. You didn't know this was an inn?"

"Ohhh! No wonder.. then.. how are we locked?"

"From the inside, dummy. Besides I have the key right her--" Kei gasped. "Whoopsies!" he squeaked crawling away from the glaring Hikaru.

"You what?!" He shouted, gripping the boy's shoulders.

Inoo flinched and whimpered, backing away, still. "Gomenasai!"

Hikaru turned the figure around so that Inoo's face was facing the wall. "What.. are... you going to do?" He asked slowly.

"I'm going to punish you." And Kei wailed as Hikaru shoved his shaft into his hole.

The pain was excruciating. Considering the fact that Yaotome's penis was super large(I'm exaggerating) and there were no preparations.

As Inoo howled in pain, Hikaru continued to push in and out. "Who told you lie, huh? HUH? This is what you deserve." And he gave an extra painful thrust.

Kei whined. "Please.. I didn't...ahhhh...mean to~! I just ahh.. found out." It was obvious Inoo was clearly enjoying this punishment.

"Please...Yaotome-san, I can't ahhh take it anymore!" He begged, clawing at the walls, finding a way to escape this harsh ravishing.

"NO. You're going to stay here, Mr. Bad, Dirty Boy." He grumbled.

Hikaru pounded harder inside his entrance, his hands fluttering across inappropriate areas, caressing any possible skin in sight.

"But... ahhh...Yaotome-san, You... win.." He spilled inside of Hikaru's stroking hand and gave in.

Yaotome continued to slam hard, pumping his shack in and out.

After awhile of Inoo's moans and groans, he spilled as well, grinning in merriment. "I win~!" He squealed.

Kei groaned, holding his stomach and he laid down, eyes closed. "Fuck." He breathed, still panting.

Hikaru smiled, jumping around. He stopped in front of Inoo and bent down. "I'm going to need this back."

He stripped off his kimono and wrapped it around himself while mumbling, "your fault for lying."

Then he looked at Kei's pale, naked body. He licked his lips.

Quickly, Inoo covered himself and turned to his side. "Don't even think about it."

"Aww~! Come on!" Kei shook his head, still covering himself.

He felt sheets being draped around him and snuggled into them.

"It's getting cold in here..." He heard Hikaru sigh. And then he felt those muscled arms wrapping around him.

"Hikaru." The arms tightened. "Hikaru." Inoo repeated. He didn't react to those soft kisses he felt on his back.

"Mou... Lighten up." He placed his chin on the thin shoulders. Kei shrugged his shoulders, knocking Yaotome's head off.

"Kei." No answer. Hikaru sighed and began to shove his penis up him. The body stiffened.

"Kei." He shoved in further. The body cringed. "Inoo!" Hikaru called.

Inoo jumped forward, Hikaru's member slipping out. "Stop it, please!" He screamed.

Yaotome saw that Kei was trembling and every move he made, he noticed that Inoo flinched or winced.

"Aww, Kei~~" But the boy shook his head.

Hikaru took the blanket and covered the naked body. "You'll need this."

He then sat next to him, hugging Inoo. "Gomenasai.." he whispered. Kei turned and pressed their lips together.

When Yaotome tried to pull away, Inoo jumped in his lap, making the kiss last longer.

After they pulled apart, panting, Kei confessed. "I can't.. stop thinking about you..." He blushed, hugging an arm to his chest.

Hikaru lifted his chin up for a chaste kiss, his breath tickling Inoo's cheeks.
"Today I noticed something..." Hikaru admitted. Kei cocked his head sideways. "Nani?"

"I fell in love with you at first sight."

And the night was filled with a little more than love in the air. More like love on the futon.


"Ohayoo~!" Someone called to Yaotome, but he groaned and turned to the side.

He pressed his cheeks against the solid in front of him. "Hey.. this isn't my pillow" He grumbled.

A set of giggles was heard from above.

Hikaru looked up and opened his eyes. All he saw was Inoo's face upside down.

"Ohayoo." Inoo repeated. He stroked Yaotome's face, playing with strings of his hair.

"Oh, morning. Why am I in your lap?"

"Because your pillow is gone." Inoo smiled innocently.

Yaotome noticed the water droplets in Kei's hair, making him look sexier. "Oh God, did you just take a shower?"

The boy nodded, eyes growing wider. Hikaru groaned. "Fuck."

"What? What's wrong?" Inoo bends down closer, hands squeezing his cheeks.

Hikaru slowly answers, "You look so sexy right now... Gosh, I just wanna jump you." He leaned upwards for a kiss and lightly smiled.

"Well, you look so grumpy and cute right now I just wanna kiss you." And Kei bent down for a lingering kiss.

They pulled apart, satisfied with the beginning of their day.

"Oh, I also noticed something, Hika."

"And what is that?"

"Love is a wonderful thing."

"It is."

"I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

smut, takano, hikanoo, fanfiction, hikaru yaotome, takaki yuya, inoo kei

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