Final Update.

Dec 27, 2008 05:37


Here comes Seeing The Light's Finale! Ne, Ani, how did you like this ChiiTaro fic? I made it angsty for you. ^^

Title: Seeing The Light - FINALE
Author: KSaiko_no_Lady
Pairing: ChiiTaro but it's more centered on Chinen.
Rate: PG-13
Summary: So much pain had been going on. So much hatred has spread. But one thing will always stay the same no matter what. Love & Friendship. Or so he thought...
Notes: AREN'T YOU EXCITED?! IT'S  OVER!! YAY!! *throws confetti*

{Chinen's Point of View}

I tried not to remember him everyday, but it just didn't work.

He was everywhere. In my dreams, in my shoes, in my breakfast, and even in the bathroom.

How could a silly boy be a part of my everything?

And how could my everything, be nothing?

My life was wavering like a broken twig. It's full of twists and lies.

I suffered through pain trying to forget him.

Ignoring that girly teenager was the most excruciating experience ever.

I didn't want this. But I just had to deal with it. That's life.

And because, 'a human can never have whatever he wants the most'.

Those words were last heard six months ago. And were never heard again...


"Ohayoo, Dai-chan!" I called, grabbing a bowl of rice.

Inoo entered and gave the teen a long smooch.

Panting, Arioka smiled with flushed cheeks.

"Oh, ohayoo, Chii. How was your sleep?"

"Perfectly fine," I lied.

"Good." He giggled to himself and felt his lips once more.

Hikaru was already at the table, stuffing himself.

He sniffed his lettuce and made a face, squeaking a "bleh".

Secretly, Yaotome placed them on Yabu's plate.

Kota entered and started cursing in English. "EAT YOUR LETTUCE, HIKA. RIGHT NOW." he roared.

Finishing his remains, Hikaru skipped out of the room hollering, "I ate mine already~~"

"Liar." Yabu muttered.

Kei sat down and began his meal.

"So, today is your first day in high school?"

I didn't answer. Picking at the rice grains, I coughed and asked for seconds.

"Chinen. You're going to have to talk to me one day."

I remained silent but my insides were boiling.

"Chinen Yuri!"

I slammed the bowl on the table a little too hard and stormed out the door.

"Itikimasu!" I called after grabbing my school bag and slipping on my shoes.

Running, I screamed to myself. WHY?! It was the only question I ever asked myself.

Breathless, I trudged to class, eyes puffed.

The classroom was empty which really relieved me.

But as I sat down, the bell rang and students filed in the classrom.

Sighing, I got my books out and looked around.

All these faces were new and not one of them looked like someone I wanted to be friends with.

Though a few girls wouldn't stop staring at me, not much really bothered me.

Or so I thought...

I was really bored when something just had to perk me up.

A student with a strong voice was reading aloud an article.

I gasped, holding my throat back from screaming in happiness.

It was him! Morimoto Ryutaro!

{Ryutaro's Point of View}

It was study hall time now and I couldn't stop thinking of him.

That guy who was staring at me all day.

"Ne.." he came up a few seconds later.

"You're Morimoto Ryutaro, is that correct?"

"Hai," I answered not really paying attention.

But that high-pitched voice.. those dark eyes.. and those lips.. how inviting...

"Ano..Do you remember me?"

"Eh?" I was freakin' out now. This dude comes up to me and asks if I know him. Of course I don't!

"I'm Chinen Yuri. Do you remember me?"

"What are you talking about?" I spat, backing away from him.

"I don't even know this whole class let alone you."


"Stay away from me."

But something clawed at my heart as the boy ran out of the class.

{Chinen's Point of View}

I slid to the floor, face in my hands.

Sobbing to myself, I tried to forget the incident earlier.

He doesn't remember me, I reminded myself. He never will.

I couldn't believe all of this though.

The trouble I went through.. the pain suffered.. it was all.. wasted..

Too engrossed with my thinking, I didn't hear footsteps entering the wash room.

"Daijoubu?" A voice echoed.

I looked up and sniffled. It was him.

"Yes.." I looked back down, not wanting to see his face.

"Are you sure?" He kneeled down and handed me a handkerchief.

I took it to be polite and wiped my red eyes.


I looked at his trembling lips. The familiarity of them.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I can get grouchy at times."

"No, it's okay. I shouldn't have came up to you like that."

I looked him deep in the eyes and saw darkness and pain.

"You.. have been through a lot, ne?"

"Not more than you." He replied, pointing at my puffed eyes.

"Gomenasai.." I played with the handkerchief, silence in the air.

"I think... I think I know who you are.." He gulped.

My eyes glittered with a shine of happiness.


{Ryutaro's Point of View}

"I'm not sure.."

"Then let me remind you."

The next thing I knew, his lips were upon mine.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I returned the kiss.

To my surprise, I actually enjoyed the kiss.

We pulled away, panting.

He buried his face in my shoulder and cuddled up closer to my chest.

My heart was racing, beating 1,000,000,000,000 per minute.

I swore he could hear it do DOKIDOKIDOKI.

But he stayed in my arms for the longest amount of time.

I knew he was embarrassed or so, but he shouldn't have.

I may not know this boy one bit, but I have no right to judge him.

Without even knowing, I lifted his chin up and pressed our lips together.

After a full minute I broke the kiss and knocked our forehead together.

He smiled and giggled.

I grinned, stroking his hair.

"Do you remember now?" he asked, desperate.

"Not one bit," I replied. "But it doesn't matter... i've fallen in love with you already."

It so happens I was.

Chinen squirmed like a girl, jumping and squealing.

I pushed him down and placed a finger on my lips. "Shh."

As we spent more time together, my mind kept on wandering to the question,

"How can I fall in love with a stranger?"

It never occurred to me that I might have made the wrong choice..

But sometimes I just wonder if I did.

{Chinen's Point of View}

I actually felt happy for once.

But I knew that inside, Ryutaro didn't really know me.

And that hurt.

Showing so much affection for a stranger was wrong... So why do it to me?

When with him, I'm always expecting that he'd leave me. But.. he wouldn't.

Could it be that he remembers?

No! Because he doesn't even call me Chii.

But.. What if?

I don't think that's possible, but I hope so.

Ryutaro, why do you have to forget me?


"Ryu-tan!" I called, waving him over.

He sat down, grinning.

"I got a present for you!" He exclaimed, kind of blushing.

I squealed and wiggled around. "I wanna see it!"

"Nope." He shook his head and wagged his finger in my face.

I pouted and crossed my arms.

He chuckled and gave me a small peck. "Gomenasai.."

Holding his hands, I looked him straight in the eye.

After a few seconds, I embraced him like there was no tomorrow.

"Ne, Ryu-tan? Promise me you'll never leave me."

There was a long pause. The silence teased me, tortured me.


"I'm sorry, Chinen." He released me, pushing me a few inches away.

"I can't keep that promise." he looked down.

I was speechless. "What?"

"I can't. I'm leaving today, Chinen."

"Where to?" I pondered. "Why?"

"I'm going to Oosaka with a really good friend of mine."

"And is that person more important than me? So important you have to leave me?"

"I barely even know you..."

"But we're together, Ryutaro. We're together!"

"I never said I wanted us to be."

"What?" I gasped. It hurt, everything did.

"But you kissed me!" I retorted, tears brimming in my eyes.

"I don't care!" He roared.

"I'm sick and tired of your girliness. Of your whiny, sharp tongue. Of your stupid hugs and everything else about you!" He growled some more and left me.

The rain started to come down wetting everything.

And I stayed in the wet coldness, soaking with depression.

"Doushite?" I whispered. "Doushite?!" I hit the ground, mud sticking to my nails.

"Doushite?" I continued to scream, pounding the ground and myself.

The pain was too much. I felt like my heart was made out of darkness.

How many times was my heart broken this year? Too much, too many.

I saw the box he wrapped for me.

Opening it, I saw the most beautiful necklace.

A heart wrapped in ribbons with a sword rooted deep inside of it.

I put it on and felt like the most horrible person ever.

When I walked home, I ignored all of them.

Dai-chan went up to me and looked at my damp clothes. "What happened, Chi?"

Yabu began cursing in Portuguese. "Oh my, oh my." He tsk-ed.

Hikaru noticed the bruises. "What happened?! Tell me, now." He commanded.

"I.. like.. That.. night.."

"NOO!" Someone bellowed.

"Kei, calm down!" Hikaru yelled.

"Look at him, Hika. Look at him! Is this something I should calm down over?"

"Kei. This is none of your business let alone ours. Let's leave him to be."

And they all did. I was alone. And forever I will be.

I screamed in agony, grabbing any kind of weapon.

A sharp pocketknife would do. And I began.

The blade hit my skin, a fine line of scarlet oozed out.

The pain was blocking my inner pains of being alone. Of hurting.

It felt good not to be able to worrry about that anymore.

Inoo rushed in and choked. "Why Chii?" He croaked.

The rest rushed in. They tried getting it out of my hand.

But I used it against them. "Don't come near me."

I left the house with the knife and ran to the trainstation.

There he was, standing next to a guy.

"Morimoto Ryutaro!" I bellowed.

He turned and let his jaw drop.

As I walked nearer, he stumbled back.

I held the knife up, my bloody arms exposed.

"You led me to this. You hurt me and I am living the worst life ever. Die!"

As a train came up, I pushed him right into there.

But as he fell, I snapped into myself.

I was going to kill the only person I loved. What am I?

So I jumped after him.

And the end, ended.


I woke up in a white room. It was very bright and silent.

I was alone and all was quiet.

"Hello? Is anybody here?"

"Chinen Yuri."

I looked around but no one was anywhere.


I saw him. A cute, chubby boy.

"Chii~!" He was smiling, calling me. My nickname.

"Who are you?"

His face fell for a fraction of a second.

"I am the Soul Cutter."

I was confused. "Why are you here?"

"Because you are a lost soul, Chi. I have come to devour you."

"What? Why? What did I do?" I was shocked and scared. What's happening?

"Do you remember anything about your human life?"

I tried but only small flashbacks appeared.

"How much pain you went through? How excruciating it felt to suffer through darkness?"

And all the flashbacks were about pain. When I would beat myself. When I cut myself..

I nodded, staring straight into his deep eyes.

"And now you here. Dead."

"I'm dead?"

"Of course." He took out a necklace. The most beautiful one I've ever seen.

Yet somehow it looked familiar...

He slid the sword out revealing a larger one.

"I'll cut your soul, my love. You'll never feel anymore pain, I promise."

And the sword came down upon me.

All the memories of my past came back, haunting me.

"Ryu-tan!" I called.



Ending Notes: Should I make a sequel? Hmm.. I'll think about it. ^^
               Well, I hope you enjoyed it! :D

finale, chiitaro, multi-chaps, fanfiction, angst

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