Why did I fall in Love with You?

Aug 22, 2008 18:34

Title: Why did I Fall in Love with you?
Author: KSaiko_No_Lady
Pairings: InAru, TaDaiki, Chitaro
Rate: ??PG-13?? NC-17??
Written: 8/23/08

Chapter Five. Hikaru's and Daiki's Points of View.

"Don't think of running away again. You need to fix your mistakes and you need to do it now."

Those words that escaped from Yamada's lips, rang in my ears.  Whatever Yabu did, was it that horrible? I couldn't help but hate him as Inoo does. He almost fractured Hikaru's hip and he gave Inoo a few scars.

But never mind about that. Takaki and I are about to something secret.

I banged my head against the wall and moaned.  Takaki's tongue swirled in circles on my stomach and it went lower and lower.
"Daiki. Pants off, now." I opened my eyes and stripped my pants off.  His hands went up my thighs and it groped my butt.

I closed my eyes again and moaned once more. "Ta-kaki...Onegai...Onegai!"  My pleads were useless but I really wanted him.
Takaki laid his head on the hard lump in my pants. He smiled and rubbed my hips. Gently and firm.

I wrapped my legs around his neck and scooted closer to him. He chuckled and pressed his face in my privates. I groaned and banged my head against the wall again.

I felt his teeth in my underwear and swore he was biting me. I became harder and harder. I pleaded more. I tangled his hair in m hands. I did everything to make Takaki more horny. To make him rip my boxers off and suck me. I wanted him more than ever.

Takaki suddenly realized he was taking to long and slid my boxers to my ankles. His tongue flicked out and touched the tip my crotch. I felt really tingling inside and I grabbed his hair tight. His tongue explored around and licked everywhere. Not to mention everything.

Then my crotch was in his mouth. And his mouth was sucking on it. It was moving forward and back. His mouth was dancing around me. It was setting me on fire. Burning with every move.

"Dai-chan... You're getting bigger." Takaki's voiced made me jump. I was enjoying this too much.

"Go-gomen. I-I just can't stop feeling like this when I'm around you." I blushed and turned to one side.

Takaki got up and forced me on his lap. [This was uncomfortable since we were both naked]
He cupped my chin and kissed my lightly. Then he twirled his index finger around my cock.

I groaned in pleasure as he whispered in my ears, "It's okay. I like big ones. It makes me horny. And it makes you look so much more sexier." He nipped me and stood  up.

He started to put his clothes again when I realized we were finished. Quickly dressing myself, I ran after him.

"Yuuyan~! Matte! Choto matte~!" I tapped his shoulder and hugged his arm. Takakis stopped. Why?

"Tsk. Dammit, Dai-chan!" I froze in fright. "Why do you have to be so cute? Now you're getting me hard. And we just finished making out, too!" He hugged me tight and didn't let go for a moment.

I was still frozen. Still shocked that Takaki felt that way towards me. I hugged him back but with not much feeling.

"Gomen Dai-chan," Takaki sobbed. "I love you a lot, honey, but how am I supposed to stop my hardness for you?"

He pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips on my mine.  My moan echoing in the halls.

His lips trailed down my throat and his hands went in my pants. I love him....

"Takaki?! What are you doing?" Yabu was standing in the hall eating a onigiri.


"Kei-chan!" I screamed his name and fumbled with my cell. No signal. Oh great! I knew this "sex" trip wasn't a good idea. And I don't really like hanging in the woods at night. Especially when it's midnight and really dark. The moon didn't appear this night. And neither did Inoo.

I scrambled up on my feet and touched a tree. This tree must be old.

Hands clasped over my eyes and a shriek was heard.

"What are you doing touching that tree, Hikka?"   It was Inoo! He spun me around and pecked my lips.

His giggle filled my ears and I laughed. Inoo's such a dork. And as if he read my mind, Inoo pinched my nose.

"You're the dork, Hikka. Touching  a tree like you can read it's mind. You're so random at times." He chuckled and held my hand.

Leading the way, I skipped along Inoo. What a great life i have. I have Inoo, the rest of Hey!Say!JUMP, parents, a life, a career, etc.
What else do I need? A child. But that's gonna really hurt. And Inoo would probably keep doing me even if i was pregnant. Then I wouldn't need to wait 9 months for it to come out.

"Hikka~! You coming? I found the hotel." Inoo called to me once more and let me ride on his back the rest of the way there.

What a perfect boyfriend I have. And what a lovely hotel he kidnapped me to. May be this "sex" trip isn't so bad.

"Ne, Kei-chan. Doushite? Why are we on a 'sex' trip?" Inoo's eyebrows raised. He smiled and winked as he checked us in.

"Well to have sex, of course." He explained to me that he wanted us to be one. Meaning only one thing..


He proposed to me at the Yoshikyuha Park while I was going down the slide with him. I felt so happy I jumped on him and nodded. My answer of 'of course!' was stupid but at least i said yes.

Inoo didn't want anyone to know so he decided that this "sex" trip was or elopement.  I agreed and kissed him. Such warm lips.

I wrote his proposal words down and slipped our rings on. They were matching and it looked pretty sexy.

After getting ready, I was waiting for the sex to come. Inoo stalked out of the restroom, pleased to see me naked. He stripped himself and bounced on the bed. His wet kisses exploding in my mouth.

"Kei-chan...motto, motto."  Inoo slid down leaving a wet-kiss-trail down my stomach. It trailed lower and stopped at my thighs. Then i felt his hand wrap around it. I grew harder with each squeeze of his hand.

Inoo left me for a few seconds and returned with a bottle. Fingers dripping with lubricant, Inoo slipped them in me.

My back arched and I screamed. This felt so good!  With each move of his finger, a burning ache grew in me. Would he just hurry and get in me?

Finally, he took them out and positioned us comfortably. He pushed his penis in me and held mine in place. So much white liquid was coming out. So much new pains to adjust to. So much love burning.


Yabu looked uncomfortable and turned to the side.

"Gomen. It seems like I've bothered you at the wrong time." He rushed away, never looking back.

We should cut him some slack. He seems lonely and has been suffering as well. No one liked him as much anymore.

"Dai-chan, wanna get some lunch. I'm hungry after all of this kissing."  I laughed and trotted after him. What a perfect day.

Arm in arm, Takaki and I walked down the streets looking for a restaurant. We went in the video store to look at new movies and saw someone familiar. These two young, small boys were hunched over giggling over a movie.

"Chinen!" bellowed Takaki. The two boys dropped the film. "Hard for you" read the cover.

I recognized the other boy and yelled his name. Chinen and Ryutaro were looking at this video?! They're not even in High School!

Chinen grabbed Ryutaro's arm and scrammed out of the store. Takaki reached for his jacket and caught it, strangling the boys.

"Just what were you doing with that dirty film?!" Takaki sounded like a real father. If only he was the father of my child....

Ryutaro stood up to Takaki, trying to save Chinen. "I made him do it! I....I wanted him to know how I felt towards him."

Wow, those were some manly words for a thirteen-year-old boy. I felt heart-warmed by them.

Takaki bonked him on the head and laughed devilishly. "You've got to be joking me!"

He was about to hit him again when I felt myself jump in front of him. That slap was painful. Morimoto and Chinen ran off, hugging each other. I fell on my knees and groaned. Takaki gasped and picked my up.

"I'm so sorry, Dai-chan! I didn't know i was going too far. Are you okay?" He looked really worried so I nodded. He sighed in relief and hugged me. He kept whispering 'sorry' in my ears over and over again. He was really sorry.

After eating delicious dumplings and sushi, Takaki and I went to the park. We bought a crepe and ate it together. I loved how Takaki would lick my lips when cream attacked. His chuckle sending me to Pluto.

I knew we were meant to be. But how?


After having sex with Inoo seven days in a row, I began to feel tired. Sex is really sweaty and tiring. I need to take a break.

We returned to Hey!Say!JUMP and created a new song. "My Sunshine" was the name. Whenever I sang, i sang to Inoo and he sang to me. We were always together. We were inseparable. Our love was invincible.

We were married and nothing else mattered.

"Hikka, lets eat some takoyaki." He pulled me out of the room and to his favorite takoyaki stand. Yummm... Their octopus were always fried just right.  Inoo fed me too much and I couldn't even stand afterwards. He had to carry me to my house.

"Kei-chan....." I whispered as he dropped me on the bed. My arms never left his neck. Inoo smiled and laid on top of me, kissing my collarbone.

He pushed my arms over my head, holding them tight. Then he began to suck my nipples till they were raw.

After having sex again, we cooked dinner again. Tebasaki and soba. Mmmm... Delicious!

I wonder what'll happen if someone knew we were married.

chitaro, tadaiki, inaru, yabu kota

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