Prison Cell - Chapter Two

Nov 02, 2008 01:08

Title: Prison Cell - Part 2
Author: KSaiko_No_Lady
Pairing(s): TakaYama & AriJima
Rate: R..or PG-15..who knows?
Summary: Takaki Yuya meets a "friend" is prison and decides to play the bad boy. The dead 'ex-s' in heaven meet and a new 'life' is filled with passion and love.
Notes: Summary sucks. Sorry! And this series is kind of like a two sided series. TakaYama = Prison Cell. AriJima = Fate in Heaven...I don't know, I'm just really bored. Dx NOTHING TO DO AROUND THESE DAYS!!


He brushed the boy's crotch.]

"Fucking bitch!! You mother fucker!" The boy hissed as he snapped his legs clothes, Takaki's hand still in between his legs.

He went for the tanned neck and bit hard, sucking. Takaki groaned. "Oh My God."  he panted.

The criminal let go of the moaning Takaki and scrambled away. "Who the fuck are you, and who the hell let you touch me like that?"

"Hey, I'm Takaki Yuya, man. And chiilax! You enjoyed it; I can hear it in your moans. By the way, what's your name, honey?"

"Shut the fuck up!! And don't you fucking go telling me to chillax, you motherfucking bastard! Go to hell!"

"Tell me your name, honey." Takaki commanded, his voice more firm.

"YAMADA RYOSUKE, GOD DAMN!" The boy snarled. He kicked Takaki's groin, knocking his flat on his buttoms.

"Dang, Ryo-chan! You kick hard! Can you rub it for me? It really hurts. Not to mention the hardness."

Yamada growled again, baring shiny white teeth. "Don't call me Ryo-chan. You barely know me! And I will NOT rub it for you, you fatass!"

"Oh, stop your cussing, honey. Let's give each other some love~~" he chuckled.

"Don't call me honey! I'm not your honey! And I don't love you! i am NOT going to give anyone any fucking love!"

Actually, the sentence was supposed to be, "I am NOT going to give anyone any fucking lo-"

Takaki got annoyed by his cursing rage and kissed him fiercfully. "Ryo-chan" he murmured against the soft skin.

"Shut up and just kiss me, bastard." He ordered, reaching for his lips.

"Look who's the pushy/bossy one now." Takaki teased. He let their lips collide, tongues twisting together.

Of course Yamada moaned at the burning touch and of course Takaki, the pervert, began touching the younger boy in private areas.

Trying to catch his breath from the hot kiss, Yamada let Takaki touch him, sucking on the neck again.

Wanting to feel something, Ryosuke pushed himself on top of the pervert.

"Naughty, naughty mister.." he teased. "Let me heal your wounds..."

He rubbed the enlarged bulge in Takaki's pants, twirling his tongue around the hardening buds.

"Nurse Ryo~!" cried Takaki, thrusting his hips. "Nurse Ryo....I think I need an injection somewhere.." he trailed of while panting.

"An injection? In your ass?" Ryosuke asked bluntly. Takaki groaned, pulling Ryosuke's hips closer to his.

Ryosuke began doing his super hip rolls, enjoying Takaki's pleasured sounds.

"Yes, up my ass, please!" Yamada rolled his hips with more effort, releasing a sexy, low, moan from Takaki.

"Oi! Futari no! Stop being so loud!" The boy ripped himself off Yuya, his breathing was sharp.

The policeman looked closer at us, sweaty with hips sticking out. "Were you two having sex?"

Takaki snapped his head towards the voice while Yamada zipped up his pants.

"Hikaru?" Yuya whispered, squinting to see the figure.

"Takaki? Sugoi! You were sent to the jail center I work at!" He made a goofy laugh.

"Stop having sex with younger guys. You've killed so many boys already. Just stop being a slutty whore."

He turned to Ryosuke. "You, too. Stop being a slutty bitchy whore and get on with your lives!"

Yamada lunged forward, hissing, only to have arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him back.

"Ryo-chan, daijoubu. Shhh..." He murmured. Yaotome wiped his wet forehead.

"Dang, boys! They gotta stop getting each other pregnant." He muttered, shaking his head.


In heaven

"Dare deshou?" Arioka called out. He heard someone step out from behind.

"Boku wa, Nakajima Yuto desu.  Anata wa?" The hoarse voice echoed.

"Atashi wa Arioka Daiki. Hajimemashite." He bowed. Nakajima bowed as well, smiling a crooked smile.

"Kawaii~!" Arioka breathed. Yuto blushed, his cheeks turning towards the shade of red.

Yuto leaned forward, landing a peck on the newcomer's cheek.

"How did you manage to get here? In heaven..." He asked with a gentle squeeze of the palm.

"My boyfriend killed me." Daiki said glumly. Yuto's face brightened up.

"Soo desu ka? So did I!" He giggled and scooted closer to Arioka.

Daiki's face went darker. "Why are you so giddy? Isn't it sad that your love just killed you?"

"Well..yes...but you can always find new ones."  "Eh? How? When? Where?"

"Anywhere, anytime, anyhow." Yuto replied, grinning. Arioka glared at him. "Did you just fall in love?"

"Yes. "  "With whom may i ask?"


arijima, takayama

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