The Boy Who Cast No Shadow and the Man of Golden Light

Mar 29, 2010 16:47

Title (and link): The Boy Who Cast No Shadow and the Man of Golden Light
Author: ladyblahblah
Read by: XLcatloveress
Rating: PG
Format: mp3
Approximate length: 30 minutes (*blinks* wow .. I never even realized it ended up that long *chuckles*)
File Size: 30MB
X-posted: newtrekslash and kirkspock

(long) Notes (are being long): The story was originally written for the fairytale prompt at st_respect by the incredibly talented ladyblahblah. I was lucky enough to get to beta it for her and felt that, as the fairytale that it was, it deserved to be told. So .. I made a pod fic out of it for her birthday (slightly ahead of time for that, I admit).
I changed the voices in pitch for the guy talking parts and added a few sound effects and a varied musical score.
In some spots it was unavoidable that my German accent should shine through, I apologize for that. Also, if anyone finds my reading voice grating, my tone too mumbling or anything else the matter, I'm sorry? First time ever creating such a thing so .. it was slightly daunting an undertaking.
If anyone's interested in a list of the musical pieces I used and/or the lyrics I chose them for, I will provide them upon request. Again, if someone feels I have made poor choices, I apologize, and I do hope heartily that the music fades into the background enough when I'm actually reading.

DL links:
on Rapidshare (no paid account required. If it asks for a password or some such, leave a comment or send me a PM and I'll check into it for you) Edit: The link is , just in case it's not working and you need to manually copy the actual link and paste it into your address bar.

on Megaupload (again, the link should just work without anything else needed) Edit: Not sure why this says 'temporarily unavailable' sometimes. *kicks megaupload* Uhm .. keep trying? Or .. use rapidshare? Sorry for the technology fail :(

reader: xlcatloveress, rating: pg

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