
Feb 02, 2006 21:44

I don't really know what to say. Life has really been changing for me. I have been thinking about new directions, and new things about life. I don't feel like I did a few months back, or even a few weeks back. I realize that God has given me gifts so incredible I can't even begin to say... I realize that God gave me my talent and my giftings, and anointing not because of how good or wonderful I am. He did this because he loves me and he sees the finished product. He does not see how I fail and how I don't meet the criteria set up in our own system to be one of God's special "anointed ones". I realize it has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with him. I have really been searching God about his purpose. What has he put me here for? What specific purpose am I here to accomplish? I know now. Maybe not fully, but at least in part. I am getting ready to propose some ideas to my pastor. I have submitted to him already what I should do for school. I feel a little uneasy to say the least. I feel like I am on the verge of something I thought I would never see. I feel that what I am about to be launched into will be the greatest blessing to ever have happened in my life. Granted, I still have a very low wage job, and sometimes this stinks. But, I am more
aware of God and more aware of his purpose and plan than I was before. I had the hardest time getting back into church and feeling like a part of something again. I feel like I found the missing piece of the puzzle. What I have discovered goes so far beyond what I could ever comprehend, but it is what I have searched for. It's what I was writing my book about. What I have now begun to discover is the Kingdom of God. Christ's true rule and reign over my life. I have found my true destiny and calling. To see that others come into divine order with Christ. To see people get straightened out and set back on the path to righteousness. I still don't understand it all, but this is even what I searched for while in Master's. I didn't know this really existed. I am so glad it does.
If you would like to know more than this, read in the gospels about the kingdom of God.
Also, a good book is "Rediscovering the Kingdom" by Myles Munroe
Another good one I am reading right now is "You Have Not Many Fathers" by Dr. Mark Hanby

I could go on all night, but I will leave you with this final thought. A prophecy was given at our Kingdom Summit at church. The pastor stated there were ideas for new things and people have been afraid to express these. He also stated that when we submitted these ideas, that for many of us this would launch us into financial blessing to further the kingdom of God in the earth.
That's why I am submitting these things to my pastor. I believe I should have all along, but didn't believe in what God has said enough to put action behind it. I would appreciate the prayers and support.
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