Aug 30, 2005 15:09

Hello agin World. Well it's official!!!.. My life is a fucked up mess and I only have myself to blame. So much has happened in just the last month not all of it necisarrily bad ( least in the beginning) but of corse the bad out weighs the good.. First off I was one of a couple ppl up for promotion at work (for like the 10th time in the 4 years). HMMM... BIG SURPRISE!!! I didn't get it... Instead someone got it that has onle been working there for maybe 8 or 9 months.. Ya know I give the fuck up on that shit.. I fkn know the job better than anyone there.. But I suppose the reason I didn't get it is worrinted.. My availability really sux because I am a GD Navy , who's husband has been gone more than ever before in the last 2+ years.. And my kids are 11 and 6 so I def need child care which IF I culd afford I would have and my ass would be in school instead of working. But I have to work and I don't make shit for money there so WTF.. being a mother is more important anyway.. But everyone needs a break, so this job is the way I do that.. But I still feel I have earned the right to be a shift.

Moving on.. So a coworker of mine gets kicked out of her parents house (that right there should have been a clue not to get involved..BUUUTTT..).. She calls crying about it and so me being the caring and kind hearted person I am.. I let her move in with me. We came to an understanding that she could stay till Bill came home from TX and all I asked of her was to watch the kids while I worked, clean up a little hare and there, and help buy groceries.. She was like NO PROB!! And well in the beginning it was cool. She did help out a lot.. But then as time went on she gradually stopped.. For one her bank account was negative so anything she would get paid got sucked up right away and she would be broke. That meant no help with groceries. And on top of that it seemed like she was never working all that much, so she barely made any kind of money, and I know she got MAD hours.. I was there when the scheduale would be made.. She never seemed to get less than 20+ hours a week, while I was lucky to get 10.. And then my kids pretty much had to fend for themselves most of the time because she would sleep half the day away.. But that was because we all stayed up till the wee hours of the day so that was cool.. But still.. I managed to get up and do what needed done so why couldn't she? HMMMM, I know it's because her and her boyfriend were constantly arguing so she was depressed..Which also meant she stopped helping with the cleaning.. So here I was, trying to work, clean, buy groceries (which she ate A LOT of)... Basically I was supporting her... I over looked all of that for the most part... Then I find out she is taking my truck without me knowing on more than one occation.. She has NO license, or insurence so what would posess her to do that is beyond me..I mean she is an adult and should know better.. But obveously her mentality is still that of an immature teenager.. So the last time I found out what she was doing I almost threw her out then.. But I didn't.. I did however tell her NO MATTER WHAT!!! SHE IS NEVER EVER TO DRIVE MY TRUCK ANYWHERE!!!  EVEN IF I TELL HER SHE CAN!!! She agreed... And everything seemed to be fine after that..UNTILLL!!! OK.. I have a few other things to discuss before I go any further with this lil story.. So I will get back to this in a min..

Meanwhile, all of her friends and thier friends would come over every night and we would hang out and have fun being crazy and dumb.. And I was fine with that except the fact they would come here every day and just seem to help themselves to anything and everything they wanted.. That made me mad.. So I sat her down and explained to her that I didn't mind them coming over and chillin.. But they needed to leave by a certain time because my house was not a hotel.. She once again agreed and well as before, she inforced that rule.. But it seemed I was getting sucked into haveing fun with everyone and I enjoyed having ppl around to talk to and hang out with.. So My weakminded ass totally just caved into my own rule, and we were right back at square one.. But I can not blame anyone but me for that, because I suppose I had some sort of need to have ppl around me.. And the fun we always had was sooo great.. I loved it... And then I decided to bring my girl down for a visit so she could get away from all the stress and BS in her life... I wanted to share in the fun with my best friend so I flew her down here for 2 weeks.. Almost from the min she walked into my door the partying started (and continued on evry day after that).. We had such a ball.. It was the best night ever.. And for the first time in a very long time I saw that beautiful smile of hers again and that just made me feel so damn good inside.. But that wouldn't last because of s caertain someone who is obsessed with her felt the need to drive down here from CT.. That kinda really pissed me off because he just saw her the week before and he would be seeing her again in another 7 days when she went home.. So why he HAD to come here and cut into my time with my best friend well is kinda sad really... It's like he HAS to be with her or he will just die or something.. Pathetic if u ask me.. GET A LIFE DUDE!!! LIKE REALLY!!! It seems he has no choice now because of his actions here (immature jelousy) caused a real problem between her and him. So now he burned his last bridge with her.. But yhea, after he finally left (which seemed to be the very last second he could) things got better again.. And my girl was happy because she found a guy that she could connect with. WHich made her happy and me seeing her that way made me happy to... Now of corse during this 2 weeks we had a lot of drama.. I wont go into detail because that would take a month of Sunday's to write.. Maybe I will go into that some other time.. Anyway, the time finally came for my girl to leave and nobody wanted her to go.. SHE didn't either... But she had to so me and her "man" took her to the airport and said our goodbyes.. I tried so hard not to break down and cry, but I am such an emotional person I can't help myself.. And when it's someone I love and care for very much, it makes it all the harder..  So she left and back home I went.. Now even more drama broke out after that.. But again not gonna go into detail.. It's really not important anyway..

So now back to the roomate drama..  After so much BS I was on the verge of  going the fk off on sombody... But agin my stupid heart took over my brain.. So I just forgot about it all and decide to move on.. Besides she was trying to help me out.... So one night everybody is here and we decide to drink..  Well, she had to go to work and asked if I was going to drink if she could take my truck to work.. Well I know I said NO!!!! She kept pestering me thoug.. And well I told her I would wait to drink till after I took her to work.. And she was like well u will be to drunk to come pick me up.. I was like well get a ride from whoever u close with.. She said somethin after that but I don't remember what it was.. So then I get pressured into taking a shot with one of the ppl there.. And She makes the comment" yhea get her drunk so I can drive the truck"..  By then I had already took the shot and I am a real light weight (felt that shit almost right away).. And She once again pesterd me about driving.. She wouldn't shut up about it untill I finally got sick of her GD whinny ass and said WHATEVER!!!! So she took my truck.. Which she was only supposed to take a block down the road to work.. But instead MY DAMN DAUGHTER called my cell.. Telling her she needs to be picked up.. And it was my understanding that my daughters friends mother or grandmother would bring her home... So here she was driving my truck where she was not supposed to go... And I had no knoladge of this at all... About 15 minutes later I ger a call from my boss at work saying she thinks my truck is wrecked.. I was like WHAT!!! good way to sober up... And then my daughter calls saying this girl wrecked my truck and there was an ambulance, police, the whole 9... I flipped the fuck out and we all jumped in the Blazer and off we went... This stupid Bitch ran into a fkn dumpster and fence that was not anywhere close to the fkn road... Which tells me she panicked and floored the gas while talking on my cell... I was livid... Fkn drunk and oissed.. Not a good combo.. The cop was asking me fkn questions and I don't remember what they were..My mind was racing and I was intoxicated to.. I got a ticket for allowing a non licensed driver to drive my vehicle.. The officer said it was pre payable, but when I called to find out how much it would be.. They informed me it was not pre payable..  GREAT!!!! So now I don't know what to expect... Anyway.. Even after all this, My inshurence is covering all the damages so I felt better about that... But of corse being an insuerence company they were trying to protect me and one day wanted information on this girls parents.. Well she fkn got an attitude with me about it and it was all down hill from there.. It was the last straw.. Ihad it with her immature BS.... I threw her out.. And of corse she went ball baggin to her damn mother who fkn threw her ass out for practically the same reasons... And her mother has the nerve to threaten me with the police and CPS... All because her bitch ass daughter don't know right from wrong... What kind of shit is that?? I tru to help someone and get screwed up, down, and sideways up the ass... REFKN DICULOUSE!!! Well now I am left worrying how the hell I am gonna pay for all this shit.. My insurence will cover only so much.. And I am broke, specially now that I can't work till my kids go back to school.. How is it she gets off almost scott free and I am stuck with the burden of dealing with this.. I wasn't even driving.... Sure I gave her permission.. But she should have known better.. And the first time she asked and I said NO!!! it should have been a dead issue and dropped... But NOOOO!!! She knew after I had a drink or 2 in me I don't fkn know what I say or do.. And she took full advantage of it.. That is so wrong.. And I am here to tell u.. SHE WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! One way or another.. Even if I have to take her ass to small claims court I fkn will.. This was her mistake, and I am not gonna fit the bill for it.. Ok.. I think I am done for now... I might get more into this later.. Lord knows I am waiting to find out how much this is all gonna add up to... So till then.. Bu Bye ppls... Love to all I do... Cheezer
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