Oct 30, 2008 09:33
It was 2:30am and i was trying to sleep, but my stomach wasnt letting me do so. It was hurting, and i couldnt lay on my back cuz it hurt too much. I walked around the room, got into the bathroom, walked around the room again, got into the closet, back to bed, got into the bathroom...and so on, all night. I tried to wake up Alberto at 3am, but he wasnt even listening to me when i was telling him i was in pain, all he did was turn around and go back to sleep. I was so mad.
I called my mom at 4:28am, i told her what i was feeling and i asked her what should i do. She told me to drink some milk slowly, and to let her know how I as doing later. So, I went to the kitchen, drank some milk on the couch, and went back to my room, then to the bathrooom.
The pain was seriouly making me crazy. I started to wake up Alberto around 5:30am, and after a while he did woke up, he was on bed, looking at me. And all he did was ask stupid questions 'Where is the pain?' 'When did it start?' 'What kind of pain is it?' seriously??? i had been up for hours with a horrible pain and he was asking me that! I got so mad. If he really cared he would have woken up long ago.
I was seriously going crazy.
We got to the hospital at 6:14am [according to the lil thing that was around my wrist], they put an IV on me and took out some blood, but i dont even remember that. Usually, the IV hurts lots, but i didnt felt it. The doctor told me they were gonna do some tests to the blood and someone was gonna do an ultrasound to see what was wrong, and in the mean time they were gonna give me something for the pain.
Finally, i was find. The pain blinds you. You cant hear well, notice details or say coherent things when you are in a lot of pain. I didnt felt when the nurse put in the three meds that would take away the pain. But as sooon as the pain was over, i got so anxious! i wanted to go home and i kept saying it and saying it, and even cried a lil. I felt like I HAD to be home. so desperate.
The lady came to do the ultrasound and told me that the radiologist was gonna print the pics and that they were gonna let me know what was wrong.
The doc came in [and i noticed then, that he was actually pretty hot. which somehow i hadnt noticed before], he asked me how i was feeling and told me that they had the results. He said that my white blood cell count was a lil off, but nothing to worry about. I had stones in my gallbladder, which he said that 80% of the ppl have, but only 2% developed symtoms. I can live with the stones, but not with the pain. He also said that my stomach was producing too much acid, and that when i lay for a while, the acid goes up. Is that and the stones that were giving me such horrible pain. He gave me med for the acid thing and told me that with the stones, i could either live on a diet without much fat or i could get a surgery and get the gallbladder out.
Damn, now I HAVE to be on a diet, imma lose weight for sure!!! haha something good came outta all this hassle.
Yesterday I slept till 5pm, just to find Alberto sleepin on the couch and baby being taken care of by Stef. I was mad. I had asked Alberto not to go to work only so he can take care of Mariela and help me with anything. But no. Stef told me that she had been taking care of her since i went to sleep, and Alberto had only changed her diaper once. I dont even think she had sat down to eat anything.
I cant believe him, he is supposed to be there for me when Im sick and need him. He is supposed to take care of HIS daugther when I cant. It gets me so mad to think that if i stay with him i wont be able to count on him or anything. I had to go to drop the trash, cuz not even things that he knows he has to do !