30 day JAPANESE artists meme: Day 25-An artist that you liked because he was connected to your most

Aug 21, 2011 19:13

Day 25-An artist that you liked because he was connected to your most

Kreva!!!! The awesome rapper KREVA. He is connected to Takkun, why? Well Kreva is Takkun's favorite artist. I mean seriously when Takkun received a board or something w/ KREVA's autograph, Takkun was like a little kid opening up a present during Christmas, he was so happy (I understand how Takkun feels, I mean if I receive anything from him I'll be so HAPPY). Anyway, one summer day I was so bored and wanted to listen to music. So I searched for Takkun and looked for his favorite artist and foun out that it was KREVA-san. When I listened to KREVA I was like "O My Fuck!" his voice was amazing and the rythm of his songs were wonderful. Right now, I'm still a fan of KREVA and I'm currently looking for his songs ^_^

music, meme

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