There's a new program at our school that says that we don't have to do any assignments nor bring any books (HOW COOL is THAT?!?!?!?!).
Anyway when this was announced we were given folders so that we could keep all our notes & exercises in them. One of our teachers said that we could decorate our folder however we want, so that our folders could show who we are....
So when I first heard that idea I was thinking Takkun and AMUSE. But it only covered the front part of the folder and I don't have any more ideas for the back part.
So does anyone have ideas on how to decorate the back part of my folder??
I'll show the outcome next time ^_^
Anyway, I made some YoshiTaku icons (I'm back to making icons again ^_^)
here are the icons
ICONS Have fun with them ^_^