Info on the posts

May 26, 2035 18:59

So, if you read my Profile you'll see that I said that my sister and I are sharing the same  Lj...

She'll be posting maybe next month or sooner....

So, to not make it confusing to those who read the entries in my journal me and my sister will be doing something....

If you see a post that has a User Icon of any Japanese People (meaning Japanese actors, seiyuu, etc) then that's me posting ^_^
and if the User Icon is an Anime (meaning any Anime character) icon then it'll be my sister posting :>

Please don't get confused and please don't get mad and say things like "Why don't they just make separate Lj accounts?" or something like that.....
Because the reason that my aneki doesn't want separate Lj accounts is because she won't be posting that she said it's fine just to make one account.....



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