З м i с т
2 Юрій Андрухович. Европа - культура на краю світу
4 Остап Сливинський. Інтелектуал, волоцюга, мандрівник
9 Ігар Бабков. Модерність на Схід від Центру
13 Юрко Прохасько. Genius чи Genius loci?
17 Єн Джонсон. Наше китайське майбутнє
20 Дирк Уфельман. Чи існує російська кіберімперія?
25 Оксана Форостина. Велика хуцпа
28 Томаш Стриєк. Історики vs політика в українській
гуманітаристиці, 2005-2011
31 Віталій Яремчук. Чи буває історіографія «безпартійною»
34 Алєксандр Дмітрієв. Як важливо пам’ятати про пам’ять
38 Володимир Верлока. Перевинайдена філософія
40 Олег Шинкаренко. Порівняльна еволюція лайки
41 Олеся Найдюк. Валентин Сильвестров відбувається заново
44 Юлія Бентя. Меса одинака
46 Максим Карповець. Шум культури
SUMMARY , No. 3-4 (185-186), 2013
The March-April, 2013 issue of Krytyka opens with “Europe: A Culture at World’s End” by Yuri Andrukhovych, the Ukrainian writer and translator. He challenges the concept of a common European culture and discusses the relations between the Eastern European literary periphery and the metropolitan centers in the context of postcoloniality. Andrukhovych’s book is one of those Ostap Slyvynsky, poet, translator and co-editor of Radar magazine (Poland - Ukraine - Germany), reviews in his “An Essay
with a Fluid Background.” A journey, the experience of being on the road, and the literary reflections on this experience
are the focus of the essay.
The concept of Eastern Europe, its peripheral and postcolonial status and its role as shadow for the “real” Europe, are also the topoi the Belarusian writer and philosopher Ihar Babkou challenges in his essay “East of the Center.”
In his essay “Genius or Genius Loci,” Jurko Prokhasko, the Ukrainian Germanist and translator, continues his search for a clue to unravel the riddle of why some cities, beginning with his native city, Lviv, have particular success in science and the arts. (See Krytyka no. 1-2, 2013 for the first part.)
“Will the Chinese Be Supreme?” asks American journalist and writer Ian Johnson in his review of some new books on China. The article which appeared in The New York Review of Books (vol. 60, No. 6) and which Krytyka presents in Ukrainian translation as the exclusive partner of the NYRB in Ukraine, is also an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of China from a regional and a
global perspective.
Dirk Uffelmann of the University of Passau, Germany, also investigates an empire to be a cyber empire. In his “Is there a Russian Cyber Empire?” an essay on “Runet” (the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet) he arrives at an unconventional conclusion, as intriguing as the subject.
Oksana Forostyna, executive editor of Krytyka, reviews the latest book by Mykola Riabchuk, a Ukrainian criticand columnist, in her “The Great Chutzpah”. Many of the articles and essays reviewed are available in English, and the reviewed collection tracks Yanukovych’s rise to power and the ascendant authoritarianism. “How could that happen?” is the question both Riabchuk and the reviewer pose for themselves.
Tomasz Stryjek of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, continues his examination of the state of Ukrainian humanities after the Orange Revolution in his “Historians vs. Politics in the Ukrainian Humanities, 2005-2011.” In the second part, “A Historian Searching for Destiny,” he focuses on the contribution of Ukrainian historian Andrii Portnov, both as an academic and as a public intellectual. (See Krytyka no. 1-2, 2013 for the first part.)
In his article “Is a Non-Partisan Historiography Possible” Vitalii Yaremchuk of Ostrog Academy also examines the challenges for the Ukrainian historian. His notions on this matter differ from those of most of Krytyka’s contributors and thus a more intense debate can be expect.
Alexander Dmitriev of the Moscow Higher School of Economics continues on the question of post-Soviet academia in his “Memoirs of Post-Soviet Humanities Scholars,” an in-depth study of the subject.
Volodymyr Verloka, a Kyiv-based translator and scholar, examines the philosophical territory of Ukrainian academia in his “Philosophy, Reinvented,” and provides an overview of the Ukrainian academic bimonthly Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought).
In his essay “The Comparative Evolution of Obscenities” the Ukrainian journalist and writer Oleh Shynkarenko explores the changes in status of some obscenities over time.
Two essays in the issue are devoted to the Ukrainian composer Valentyn Sylvestrov. The Ukrainian musicologist Olesya Naydiuk writes on the perception of his legacy by music critics in her “Valentyn Sylvestrov Again,” and Julia Bentia of the Central State Archives Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine reviews a book on the conversation between Sylvestrov and his fellow composer
Sergey Pilutikov in “Waiting till the Music Comes.”
The issue concludes with more meditations on the sounds of the 20th century in the “Noise of Culture,” an essay by Maksym Karpovets, philosophy scholar at Ostrog Academy.