- Undercover in a ______
pay-off by anon, Inception, Arthur/Eames
Untitled undercover-in-a-brothel fic by anon, Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson
The Drag of Skin Against Skin (fic and art) by eternalsojourn and neomeruru, Inception, Arthur/Eames
The Understood Boundaries of Self by strzyga, Inception, Arthur/Eames - We have to have sex... for science!
Stark, A.E., and Banner, R. Bruce. (2013). "Biodosimetric Tools for Measuring Induced Isomeric Transition in Inverted Paired States." International Journal of Radiation Biology 89.9, 43-85. by thingswithwings, Avengers, Tony/Bruce, Tony/Hulk
Indecorous by Basingstoke, BBC Sherlock, John/Mary/Sherlock - Shapeshifting and bodyswap
On Your Every Body by Isagel, Inception, Arthur/Eames
I Will Change My Ways by sinuous_curve, Inception, Ariadne/Eames
Make No Conditions by radishface, Inception, Arthur/Eames
Scientist, Astronaut, and Nymphomaniac by feldman, Farscape, John/Aeryn
When In Rome by cluegirl, Harry Potter, Harry/Ron/Hermione
- Selfcest
Breaking Mirrors by buriedbooks, Sherlock Holmes, Watson/Dark!Watson
Once In A Lifetime Opportunity by cards_slash, Star Trek, Kirk/Kirk
The Pleasures of the Fight by flying-android, Sherlock Holmes (2009)/Iron Man, Holmes/Watson/Tony Stark
- Characters who have a lot of sex before being willing to admit they actually have ~feelings~
this is all there is, roll the dice by wanderlight, Inception, Arthur/Eames
calling for my soul at the corners of the world by metonymy, Inception, Ariadne/Arthur/Eames
Write your name on the dotted line by jibrailis, Inception, Arthur/Eames (warning for... sad things)
The Wind and its Satellite by severinne, Star Trek XI, Pike/McCoy
- Consensual nonmonogamy, and here we are not even counting closed triads
Unsquare Dance by sabinetzin, Avengers, everyone/everyone (Steve POV)
Got an out tray full of guys by tocourtdisaster, Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/a bunch of other people
Draws series by syredronning, Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/McCoy/Pike, Pike/OFC, etc.
Blue Eyes, Green Eyes by rubynye, Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/OFC, McCoy/OFC
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http://krytella.dreamwidth.org/16199.html. Please comment there using OpenID.