Two New SV "Savior" Clips

Sep 23, 2009 02:12

Links to two short clips from Savior, the Smallville premiere, is under the cut. First is Chloe and Clark talking about Lois. The second is with Zod and Tess, though Tess just sits there looking terrified as Zod talks to his soldiers.

Watch Smallville this Friday at 8PM! Do it or kneel before ZOD! :P

Clips thanks to Cap. :)

Clark and Chloe talk about Lois


Chloe: So what part of that includes skulking around a phone booth looking for Lois?

Clark: It's not like that. -pauses- Yes, I came back to find her, but only to say goodbye.

Chloe: Well, let's hope you still have a chance. -reveals the Legion ring resting in a black cloth- I think Lois found your lucky charm and hitchhiked to the future.

Clark: Is she -

Chloe: She's fine. She doesn't remember anything, but she didn't come back alone. And it looks like her excess baggage might be trying to kill her.

END on Clark's troubled/concerned face.

Zod talks to his soldiers.


Zod: You dare defy me.

Off SOLDIER and TESS's looks.

Zod: I have saved the lives of half of the soldiers in this room. You know I have risked more than any of you. Not one of you has sacrificed what I have for our survival. -looks at SOLDIER- And you -

Zod grabs him by the throat and pushes him down into a chair.

Zod: Do you want a leader who hides away in his mansion for weeks on end and complains?

Zod releases his grasp on the SOLDIER, who gasps for air. TESS watches.

Zod: -to the rest of the room- Or do you want a leader who ventured out, alone, scouring a hostile world in search of your loved ones?

Camera pans to all the soldiers in the room.

Zod: I have always been true to my word. And I will find the answers we are looking for, or I will DIE in the quest!

END on soldiers.

tv: smallville

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