Tamaki's "Obliviousness"

Mar 24, 2008 22:23

Just because Hatori-sensei has a keen knack for comedy, never ever underestimate her ability to break your heart.

So I forgot that Ouran came out today. *bangs head against wall several times* And I haven't bought the issue yet, but I've already heard rumblings about what happens.

And holy crap, someone stop me before I flood my room in tears.

Be aware that the following is all secondhand information, and what I can remember from reading a summary. I have not yet seen the issue myself.

Apparently, the chapter starts out with a young Tamaki asking his mother why his grandmother hates him. Annu-Sophie replies that his grandmother doesn't hate him - she hates her (Annu-Sophie) for falling in love with his father.

Tamaki cherishes family, but due to his experiences, he thinks that "to fall in love" means a family will break. His parents fell in love and their family situation is anything but ideal. His parents are separated and his grandmother still so full of hate.

Keep in mind this notion is not a conscious thought on Tamaki's part - it's his unconscious trauma.

That is his reason for denying, denying, denying, denying. If he accepts he's fallen in love (and perhaps that love is reciprocated?), that relationship will be tainted - Tamaki will think it'll only lead to hurt and pain. He's perhaps unconsciously afraid that the same thing that happened to his parents will happen to his "family" now - the host club family.

Be aware that the above is mostly me speculating on these recent revelations about Tamaki's character. It'll be made clearer once a scanlation is released somewhere.

It amazes me if you compare the Tamaki from the first chapter to the Tamaki now. How could one ever guess that he'd be such a tragic character in this ironic way?

*huddles in a corner with Kuma-chan, thinking soothing thoughts*


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