
Nov 26, 2007 22:10

I had "nabe" for the first time tonight with one of my very awesome roommates. She's a sweetheart - her name is Miku. ♥ Nabe is basically what we call hot pot in English. Basically, just put anything you want into a hot pot. XD;; Or that's what I got from my experience. Miku bought everything (I wasn't sure if I should offer to pay half? And even then, I didn't really know how to say it in Japanese... T_T) and cut everything, and I pretty much felt useless while watching her. Heh. I did clean up the table though and then washed some of the dishes after. I was going to wash them all, but then she said it was okay...

Anyways, for the nabe, we put in gyoza, meat, lettuce, green onion (... I think?), some type of mushroom, tofu, bean sprouts, and kimchi-flavored soup! Soooo delicious, I can't even tell you. Burned my tongue though. *pouts* And I didn't take pictures because I'm lame and I forgot. GAH!!! I really need to post pictures, I know.

But yes, nabe is awesome. I can see why Tamaki loves it so much. (If you get that reference, I really ♥ you.) I already want to eat it again. And it opened my eyes as to other cooking I could attempt to try. (My cooking skills have been limited to ramen and frying meat. >>;;) And it should be spicy. The nabe had spicy soup (duh, kimchi), and now I'm craving all kinds of spice. Love spicy food. ♥

Wow, this is like my first blog on my life in Japan isn't it? Geez, I suck. XP

Anyways, in other news, trying to finish up Chapter 3 of One Week Matchmakers, in the middle of Part 2 of Bewitched, and attempting to resurrect Chapter 5 of Second Chances. It's complete. But there's a plot point I'm scrapping, and so it actually needs to go through a rewrite. Yes, I suck. I thought we already established that...? XD;;

Okie, off to do that homework I'm procrastinating on! ♥ you guys! またね!


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