Umm... hi? *waves*

Nov 03, 2007 02:06

I have a lot of overdue blogging, but that's not gonna happen till I get back to my dorms in Nagoya. 'Cause it's 秋休み here, and I'm spending a precious five days (well, more like four since the last day is actually a travel day) in Tokyo.

There's just sooooo much I want to blog about, a lot, a lot of things... but I guess the #1 thing on my mind right now...


Bwahahahahaha! That's right! I finally saw my first 宝塚 performance live! And I'm quite happy that my first viewing was Moon Troupe with my all time favorite star Sena Jun. My ultimate girl crush. I'm going to write her a fan letter one of these days. Hehe...



japan: takarazuka, japan

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