Oguri Shun Rides a Stuffed Giraffe

Mar 26, 2007 01:23


No, seriously. XD

I have spent the last hour and a half browsing through the Hana Yori Dango 2 Returns website, saving literally every backstage pic from the report section and gallery section (plus any other miscellaneous pics I liked from the other sections). And the pic under the cut is by far my favorite one. XD

Source: TBS

This is just a preview of the pic spam I will bestow upon my flist later this week. ^_~

Seriously though, Shun seems like so much fun. ^^ 私は小栗 旬の友達になりたいです!*__* Ahaha, a girl can dream, ne?

So yeah, when I should really get started on the many essays/projects due this week, I like to procrastinate and do these random things instead. ^_^

jactors: oguri shun, drama: hyd, media: screencaps

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