Christmas Miracle~!

Jan 03, 2007 09:58

I can't believe I totally forgot to post about this. It's probably because my present still isn't at home yet...

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted a dog. A golden retriever when I was little. (When I get my own place in the future, I want either a husky or german shepherd.) There was a problem though. My mom didn't want pets. You see, my mom likes things to be clean. And pets? They tend to get messy. So, I resigned myself to never having a pet at all.

But this Christmas? My brother and I received a PUPPY!!! O_O! My aunt and uncle's poodle had five puppies. And we got one. =0D She's not at home yet though 'cause she still needs to be with her mom... ^^


Kylie and her bro. Aren't they cute? (And she looks like a sheep. Or a lamb. I go with sheep. XD;;)

Kylie is a cross between a bichon and a poodle, so she's a poochon, apparently? XD According to my aunt and uncle anyway. I have a link to bichon 'cause not many people know what the breed is. I didn't even know until I saw my cousin's dog (which I didn't realize she had... >>;;) Oh, and a small note - my brother chose the name and I agreed to it (we went through several different names though before I could even agree - he kept coming up with boy names! XD And I kept coming up with Japanese ones... lol. I wanted to name her Yuki. ^_^)

life: kylie the poochon

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