Kingdom Hearts + Random

Jan 12, 2006 05:14

Kingdom Hearts... how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

But seriously guys, I think KH has gone and eaten my brains. I have disappeared for, like, five days just playing this video game and finishing it. Yes, I was playing at Normal not Advanced (hey, video games aren't really my thing). So yeah, in the process of playing this game (I wanted to see what all the hype was about), I fell in love with it. ^^b

I love how I fall in love with things right when the good stuff is coming out. With Naruto, it had already reached the timejump in the manga. With Prince of Tennis, the anime had already ended and the movie was just about out on DVD, so no waiting eagerly for the next episode. I could just look back and enjoy. With Tenimyu, I got into it just as the summer Hyoutei musical premiered, so I had around seven musicals to look for/buy and enjoy then as well.

This time, with Kingdom Hearts, the sequel comes out in March (?), so I only have to wait for a couple months. ^_^ I'm happy and as you can tell by my mood theme, feeling geeky as well.

First of all, I am in no way adverse to spoilers. I, in fact, love spoilers 'cause - guess what? - I like to spoil myself. Yes, I agree it takes away the fresh feeling you get when you first see something, but I am that impatient. But for the sake of those of you on my friends' list who hate to be spoiled and actually read my LJ, don't worry 'cause I won't mention anything spoilery. If I do, it will be behind an LJ-cut. Because, though I'm not adverse to it, I am well aware how sensitive a subject it is for others and I respect that. (Oi... ^^;; Sorry about the somewhat mini-rant on spoilers. I guess this was brought on because I was at a forum reading spoilers for KH2, and while reading the thread, there were a few people ticked off at the person who started it. I felt kinda bad for him/her, since there are probably people like me, who don't care about spoilers and are entirely grateful to the people who supply them, but she/he was getting all this crap about it instead. I didn't want to get in the middle of a fight though, and the thread actually looked pretty old too, so I didn't say anything. O_o;; Yes, I'm a wimp. XDXD)

All right... moving on. I've read/seen spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 2 - it looks awesome and has only increased my love for the original game. I know there's a KH: Chain of Memories, but it's for Game Boy Advanced, and I don't plan on buying/playing GameBoy anytime soon. Back to KH - my favorite world had to be Neverland, but that's just because you get to fly and OMG, that was one of the highlights of the game for me. My least favorite world - well it isn't really a world, but you get what I mean - was Monstro. =0P I thought it was boring, but we did get cutscenes with Riku. The only thing more boring than that had to be the Gummi ship. I mean, seriously. It had no point, in my opinion. Apparently though, it is new and improved in KH2, so we'll see. I also tried making the Ultimate Weapon, but didn't succeed. XD I got impatient hunting for the ingredients and just decided to fight the big bad Ansem with Oblivion instead. I didn't actually use all the keys, though I was particularly attached to Spellbinder for most of the game. Riku beat the crap out of me though in one fight until I used Three Wishes. ^^;;

Of course, when I get into a fandom, I immediately look towards fanfiction and LJ communities to satisfy my thirst for more. Oh, and let's get this straight, I like to read everything - het, shounen-ai/yaoi, shoujo-ai/yuri. There's no shying away from any of that for me. So I do like what is probably the standard pairing of Sora and Kairi. However! If you really knew me, or you want to know me, you might as well know right now that while I do love certain canon pairings here and there, I love alternate/crack pairings a majority of the time. I root for the "other guy". Examples:

- Nakatsu in Hana-Kimi -> I know this one's hopeless 'cause our girl is full of love for Sano, but still, I love him.
- Gaara/Hinata, Shikamaru/Hinata -> It's never gonna happen in canon, but you can't stop me from liking it.
- Take in Happy Hustle High -> I'm not too fond of the heroine, but it's still a good read and Take's awesome, even though he's only in it for a few chapters so far.
- Ramses in Red River -> At least, I think it's Ramses. XD I don't have the manga on me right now, but I totally took a liking to him for some reason. Too bad our heroine's got it bad for Prince Kail.
- Kiley in Peach Girl -> Hey, he was the underdog in the beginning. ^_~
- Kaidoh/Ryoma, Oishi/Ryoma, Fuji/Jiroh, Choutarou/Eiji, Oishi/Shishido, and the list goes on for my Tenipuri fandom... XDXD;;

And I think you guys get the picture. For KH, I have completely and utterly taken an immediate liking to Cloud/Sora. O_O I know. Don't know where it came from, but I like it. I also like Leon/Sora and Riku/Sora to some extent.

On a totally different note from my shipper-ness, while I was watching a video from KH2, I was delighted to hear one of my favorite voice actors - the voice actor who plays Syaoran in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles is the voice actor of Sora (He's one of my favorite VA's and yet I don't know his name XD). Because of this, I actually contemplated buying the import just to hear more of his Sora voice-acting, but decided against it in the end. ^^;;

Hmm... maybe I'll stop now since I'm a little tired. But expect more KH lovin' in the future - probably in the form of icons. ^_~ Bai bai, minna-chan!

P.S. I will post pictures of Jump Festa 2006! I swear! XDXD

video games: kingdom hearts

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