Ready to Roll (KAT-TUN Concerts // J&A)

Apr 19, 2013 18:01

YouTube | DL (p/w: rocknroll)
Reblog here.

Title: Ready To Roll
Edited by: Krys Yuy
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Song: Ready to Roll
Artist: Jet Black Stare
Summary: Fanvid dedicated to KAT-TUN and their many concerts over the years. I've used footage from all 8 concerts (released on DVD) so far. They are:

- Okyakusama wa Kamisama (2002)
- Kaizokuban (2005)
- Real Face (2006)
- Cartoon KAT-TUN II You (2007)
- Queen of Pirates (2008)
- Break the Records (2009)
- No More Pain (2010)
- Chain (2012)

Here's hoping to a 2013 concert announcement soon! Hope you enjoy the vid! Please rate if you did (≧∇≦)/ Thank you very much for viewing♥

P.S. Blink and you might miss something! Also, please watch in 480p. :)v I highly recommend just downloading it though because streaming doesn't really do it justice in terms of the music beats matching up with the vid. :'(

I've been gone for a couple days online because I've been glued to my computer editing this thing. You have no idea HOW MANY TIMES I have listened to this song. XD;;; Ah well, back to stuff I should actually be doing... Junno's Talks.

media: fanvids, jartists: kat-tun

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