GotD Junno SP #008 (KAT-TUN // Taguchi Junnosuke)

Nov 08, 2012 23:14

Subject: Taguchi Junnosuke (KAT-TUN)
From: February 19, 2012 Music Japan ~ LOCK ON Performance

Confession: I really didn't watch this episode of MJ again after streaming it live on KeyHole the first time. I don't know why because watching it yesterday, I was taken aback by how much I loved the performance. Also, I'm not usually one for animal print motifs, but the zebra look really worked for KAT-TUN here. The accents were just enough to compliment the overall dark color scheme of their outfits. I applaud their stylist. 8Db

Anyways, Junno! This is one of the rare times when his mohawk didn't bother me. And it actually looks really cool from the side here. (You guys really don't know what a concession this is for me to make, because I hated, hated, HATED his mohawk. XD) But look at him with those smooth moves. *_____*



I'm freaked out by the crickets in my house. I really need to get working on Hols... and then Junno birthday stuff... #cries At this point, I'm pretty sure the pimp post is not gonna happen. :( Too many video clips and such to go through.
The fanfic recommendation post should be a 'go' tho.

Oh, I have been reading je_ficgames however! Still have to vote and leave feedback on some... Then there's Big Bang, ugh.

2012: gotd junno sp, jtv: music japan, jartists: taguchi junnosuke

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