(no subject)

May 14, 2010 00:04

  • 07:57 Spoilers GALORE~~~! ♥ 8D I couldn't resist. #
  • 08:05 Hell yeah, #TomWellingisSuperman. <--- Will be trending this today, my non-SV friends. Beware. #
  • 08:05 Kelly looks so different from when I last saw her at SDCC. O.O #
  • 08:23 OMFG, nobody does fanservice like 亀梨和也. *o* #kattun #
  • 09:13 Where is the freakin' Shounen Club ep? I need something to pass the time before #Smallville. (HW? What? :P) #
  • 10:12 So sad about L&O. I love the latest cast. :( #
  • 10:22 Watching the Katherine/John scene once was enough, thank you. -twitches- #
  • 10:55 Shounen Club - I NEEDS IT. -shakes computer screen- #
  • 11:22 There's never a Legion ring around when you need one. #whyisntit8yet #Smallville #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 12:01 Very excited about The Cape! I can't wait to see Summer Glau on my screen again. ♥ #
  • 13:01 SHOUNEN CLUB~~~! -pounces- #finally #
  • 13:27 I'm so happy about how much I'm understanding this ep without subtitles. (Considering how far my Japanese has fallen... :( ) #
  • 14:02 Was going to leave a comment, but then you got all annoyed for no reason w/ my favorite member. Pass. #junnorocks #
  • 14:34 Classy, as always. Except not. #
  • 14:44 I'm going to turn my 15 pages in on time this week even if it kills me! #
  • 14:44 Which it probably will. So expect goodbyes from me later. :P #
  • 15:12 #TomWellingIsSuperman, you know it! #
  • 15:13 No one else can pull it off like he can. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:15 Woot, woot! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:17 He made me fall in love with Clark Kent. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:19 My hero - #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:19 I feel decidedly uncreative. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:20 Of course he is. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:21 Come on, trend! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:23 Yeah, he is. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:24 #TomWellingIsSuperman ♥ #
  • 15:26 Amazingly awesome is what he is. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:27 \S/ #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:35 Now tweeting from my phone... #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 15:36 #TomWellingIsSuperman, yep, yep. #
  • 16:02 Sssssswwwweeeeeettttttt... #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:03 Screencap, please! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:15 Awesome! RT @alseptien: SHOUT OUTS to @Serenajwilliams and @venuswilliams for being Smallvillians!!! Who knew? #Tomwellingissuperman #
  • 16:20 Come on, come on, come on! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:21 I can't believe S9's almost over. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:28 #TomWellingIsSuperman - yep, yep! #
  • 16:29 Can't wait for Salvation!! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:37 I better freakin' get home in 20 minutes... #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:39 I feel like I'm gonna cry a lot tonight. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:39 In both good and bad ways. #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 16:41 Number 3 - YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!! #TomWellingIsSuperman #
  • 17:00 START! #Smallville #
  • 17:04 Oooooohhhhhhh... #Smallville *o* #
  • 17:13 Oh my god. >.>;; #Smallville #
  • 17:14 NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ;______; #Smallville #
  • 17:16 D: D: Tess.... #Smallville #
  • 17:24 Eww, eww, eww... #Smallville Tess. ;_____; #
  • 17:34 I mourn your hair, Dinah. Especially this time. #Smallville #
  • 17:43 Oh god. Flashbacks. Horrible, horrible flashbacks. #Smallville #
  • 17:45 Is that who I think it is...? #Smallville #longshot #
  • 17:46 Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! #Smallville #
  • 17:48 The old lady is... Granny Goodness? Maybe? #Smallville #Darkseid #
  • 17:54 -manic laughter- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! #Smallville #
  • 17:56 Wow, Zod. You're an idiot. #Smallville #
  • 17:59 OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! #Smallville #
  • 18:00 I resent the CW so much for playing 90210 over Smallville credits. #
  • 18:02 So. I'm going with the old lady being Granny Goodness. And Tess being back next season. #Smallville #
  • 18:03 This sense of fulfillment after a #Smallville season finale... it's such a foreign feeling... #
  • 18:04 Fuck yeah, #TomWellingisSuperman! #
  • 18:07 Can anyone tell me who the permanent death was supposed to be? #Smallville #
  • 18:14 Even though Granny's from the comics, all I know her from is the animated series, haha... #Smallville #
  • 18:23 THIS!! RT @kelly1142 Ok ....DP future flash....was there a wedding ring? I need an answer! #
  • 18:26 RT @_emilylove Yes! I made sure to look! RT @krysyuy THIS!! RT @kelly1142 Ok. DP future flash...was there a wedding ring? I need an answer! #
  • 18:28 Wedding ring, BABY! #Smallville #
  • 18:30 Aww, Tom is off the TT... But I'm happy he stayed up for so long (and through the episode!). #TomWellingisSuperman #
  • 18:35 Married in 2013... *o* This is a dream, right? I'm dreaming, aren't I? Somebody pinch me! #Smallville #
  • 18:35 Wait! I mean, don't! XD;;; #Smallville #
  • 18:38 8D RT @onebreath Yup, totally a ring on her finger. #
  • 18:49 RT @Chrisluvstom OMG Lois is wearing a ring pic courtesy Onebreath i19.photobucket.com/albums/b164/amor_art/Other/s1.png #
  • 18:50 Ring, ring, ring~~~~ -too giddy- #Smallville #
  • 18:59 I haven't been this flail-y about #Smallville since the first half of S9. Feels nice. I also feel a little crazy. (WEDDING RING! 8D) #
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