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black_rose45000 May 14 2010, 10:44:51 UTC
yeah, precisely...uploading the caps is a pain in the ass =.= so take your time :)

about the "jin not smiling when he's not happy" do you mean the interview where ueda told him he used to smile a lot back then but now he's like an iron masked person, to which he replied "that's not true, i do smile! i smiled when i was with lands, or in my solo con" ? XD
i'm glad you're going to his concert, maybe you can tell us, more objectively, how good/bad he'll be. frankly, i don't see him succeed (especially after i heard his english in A page @.@) but we'll see how it'll turn out.
speaking of supporting him/kttun, the only way for me to start supporting jin is if he'll just go solo once he's back. or change his attitude, which i find unlikely to happen.
and about the Tour news, i was outraged from the very beginning. aside from the fact he'd left once before, or the fact he showed little interest during KTTUN activities, the fact that it was their first Asian tour he ditched made me feel he had no respect for the fans, first, and then the members. the good things that came out of this are some of the members emotional and apologetic j web entries, their seemingly strong connection and unity in this hard time and the fresh vibes they gave now as they lacked the gloomy figure =.= so i really hope this time we get a dvd full of the 5 members awesomeness and love ♥♥♥
like you said, writing about this whole situation takes a long time, so do it when you feel like it:) and sorry for commenting so much on it =.=

concerning MH, knowing Nakai's discussion wit Jin the last time they went on utaban (and having read that Nakai previously didn't like KT too much after jin left for LA the first time) i expected him to joke less and be sarcastic more, even tho that would've been inappropriate. but i'm glad he was in such high spirits and joked a lot, he was lovely:)
(Notice how Maru doesn't reference Jin's first time leaving. >.>;;)
yeah i noticed it. it was a smart thing to do, but the comforting of fans and sugarcoating can only work on some ppl, and frankly, those don't even need members' false reassurances, they already believe in jin with all their heart.


krysyuy May 14 2010, 11:27:47 UTC
♥ ♥

WHAT?! No, I didn't know about that interview. But that just makes me face-palm. Jin... >.>;; I was actually referencing this interview, the one from his You&Jin pamphlet under the Fan section.

I'll definitely write up a report. :) I do like some of his music - Wonder, Lovejuice, etc, but from a few of the audio fancams I heard, not too crazy about some of his other stuff... But I heard he was writing new songs anyway, so there will probably be a bunch of new stuff in his US concert. I'm holding out hope that he might perform something like care... or at least one song in Japanese. >.>;; His English is... well, I admire his persistence. Have you heard his English in the You&Jin CM, though? His way of speaking... like a rapper. I don't like it. ;____;

speaking of supporting him/kttun, the only way for me to start supporting jin is if he'll just go solo once he's back. or change his attitude, which i find unlikely to happen.
I'm leaning this way more and more. I'm a 6nin fan, but not at the expense of the group's happiness/well-being. If it's not working out, it's not working out. If Jin changes his attitude, at the rate he's going, I would consider it a miracle.

so i really hope this time we get a dvd full of the 5 members awesomeness and love ♥♥♥
This is really the big positive coming out of all this 'drama'. How the 5 members are coming together - I agree with everything you said.

Don't worry! I'm very interested in your POV about the whole thing. All I've been doing is thinking about the Jin situation - it's nice to write out some of my thoughts rather than keeping it bottled in. :)

Yeah, I was glad it wasn't awkward or anything. It was rather nice. Not to mention I thought Music Hour was KT's best performance of Going! so far. :)

Totally agree. -sigh-


black_rose45000 May 14 2010, 11:48:15 UTC
ooh, no wonder i didn't know about your quote, i didn't even bother reading his pamphlet =.=
but yeah, when i read the interview i told you about i couldn't believe that part of their discussion just came out like that. but to me it spoke a lot. whether he realized what he'd just said, or not.
about his songs, i liked lovejuice and wonder too, back in the days when i still liked him. (i have to admit him and kame were my favorites at first. but not akame, just so you know :P). and care was really precious, but now...i can't feel anything anymore. it's strange. .____.
i haven't heard anything from his solo con, except for snippets from a cm (and there was a song or two that seemed horrible to me =.=), and i always thought his english pronunciation was fairly decent, until i listened to A page and i was like "wtf happened?". well i hope, for your money's sake and his dignity's sake that things will be better. and that you'll have fun :)

about the 6nin thing, since i hadn't been a fan of he band for many years like others, i couldn't fully comprehend the other fans' pain with this new situation, since i loved the 5nin formula to bits. but when i first saw them on stage like this, i felt like someone was missing. but gladly, i got used to them really fast, especially when they show so much member ai, whether it's for the camera only or not.

speaking of MH, how could i forget! you're right, the perf of Going was really the best so far, when i listened to it i thought "finally it sounded well live". lol :)


krysyuy May 14 2010, 12:27:42 UTC
Somehow... I'm not surprised by Jin at all, anymore. >.>;;

When I only casually knew about KAT-TUN, I preferred Kame and Jin as well. I think a main reason was that they were quite obviously the two tops as opposed to T-TUN (at least, in the beginning), so they had more exposure. And at the time, I had no interest in finding out more about KAT-TUN in general, so what I knew was what was being promoted heavily (aka Kame and Jin). I can understand becoming disillusioned with Jin. I think I'm at the beginning of the process. Or, it's just that I'm already seeing him as separate from KAT-TUN. I don't know.

I hope so, too. We'll find out in June! XD;;

I feel like I'm going to get used to them as 5nin during this time (actually, I already am!), and when Jin comes back, it'll be a shock...

"finally it sounded well live". lol :)

LOL! I thought the same thing.


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