[Picspam] Going! PV

May 09, 2010 00:52

WARNING: Image heavy and not dial-up friendly.

I found the Going! PV on YouTube, and made some a lot of screencaps... I plan to screencap the entire thing when I get my CD/DVD so the caps will be better quality...

The boys do a lot of vogueing in this PV, which I love. ;) Especially Maru in the cap below!

LOL @ Kame and Junno in the background.

The choreography seems like so much fun! :D Plus there are a lot of group shots, which is always lovely.

Getting a lot of shots of the boys' other body parts. Ha, ha! In all seriousness, I like seeing close-ups of their dancing.


I'm still not sure why a butterfly, but who cares? Tacchan, cho-kawaii!

I really dig the lining up parts of the choreography.

Pump that fist, Kame! I get a very 'Ganbare~~!!' feeling right here, lol.

The first thing that came to mind here was the 'Super low は Boom! Boom!' part in The D-Motion, LOL.

And with Kame here I was reminded of One Drop, heh.

Maru/Ueda fist bump! Woot, woot! And Junno looking cool. -Junno!bias-

Power Rangers vibe~~ ;P

Pump, pump, pump it up!

I adore the cap on the right~! *o* Group closeness...

More cute lining up!

Rejected. XD;; Oh, Junno...

Kame looks good in yellow. He looks good in any color. -Kame!bias- Though with this style shirt... I was reminded of a bowling shirt? XD;;

Tacchan is the member who most confuses me~~~ Contradictions wrapped in a very handsome package. And despite his sport being boxing, we don't see him actually doing it in the video! Aside from one hit that's not really even a punch...

Kyaa! Why so cute, Tacchan?! WHY?!

Seriously, people. Who is not falling in love with his smile? I demand to know. Anyone? Anyone?!

I've watched baseball casually before, but Kame you made me care about it more, lol.

I really love this part! I love all the parts where they're all involved and in the shot. I almost half-expected them to give thumbs-ups and raise their hands to the sky a la Seishun Amigo. :P

I found this transition weird if only because it's the only time they use the TV screen effect to switch to the boys' sports part.

Love the scarf!

My bias is showing (again), but I ADORE Junno's outfit! :D :D :D The vest, the button-up shirt... his simply cut hair! *o*

Koki's 'sport' is... being a couch potato? XD;;

Okay, I'm seriously loving all the sports!Junno parts. He looks so good. This deserves repeating.

Guh, his arms. *o*

I think I'm being influenced by my KoKame friends b/c I totally connected baseball to Kame to Koki here, lol.

Very nice sweet faraway expression on Kame's face here.

Haha, I love this choreography!

Totally dig the shots from above as well.

Look at the height on Kame's jump! What the-?! Kakkoii.

Yes, Koki, stare at his ass be amazed.

Another fist pump from Kame. My tension totally gets high watching this video!

Above shot with everyone looking up!

I like the parts with the boys 'holding' the screens.

*o* Gah, I love Kame too much.

Baseball!Kame is so kakkoii. I will eventually make a fanvid with him in baseball mode. Because it will be awesome. :P

When I think of skateboarding, I think of myself falling flat on my face. Junno here, however, gets some height! Come on, look at that! O.O I also didn't realize he likes skateboarding.

Vogueing. Again.

I love all the height they get on their jumps. It's awesome.

More of the awesome choreography going on.

And let us not forget the required diva-ish poses. That's Junno and Kame for anyone not keeping track. I love Kame's hip scarf (I don't know what it's actually called... haha).

More Power Rangers!

There are so many angles going on in this vid - I love it! Also - TV watching is a sport, you guys. In case you didn't know.

A fun one too! If Koki's face is anything to go by.

I really like this part as Kame extends his leg back, while at the same time pointing up.

Koki's signature dorky smile.

A little hint of a smile/smirk from the amazing Kame.

Very cute smile here. And also the only time Tacchan actually hits something. I was expecting to see more boxing. XD;;

More almost, but not full blown smiles! Come on, guys! Junno's closed lipped smile is pretty adorable, though. It warms the heart. (My bias! It's showing again!)

ROFL. Koki, never change!

If you told me it would be raining popcorn in KAT-TUN's next PV, I would have called you crazy.

More of the cool lining up that I love from several different angles!

Aaaannnnddddd... VOGUE!

Vogueing with the screens.

More awesome choreography.

Junno's hips and butt. What?

More Junno hips! I love his cargo pants, btw.

Not only do I love the lining up, I love the circle formation too!

These vogue poses are simultaneously cool and hilarious.

Have I mentioned I LOVE the angles in this PV? :P

They can 'move' the screens, too! :D :D :D

I love the end of the song, how they pound on the glass with the beats and the screens blow away. :D


This PV is SO MUCH FUN! I don't care what anyone else says - I ♥ it! KAT-TUN is smiley and happy, and the choreography is freakin' amazing! It totally pumps me up. The ROFL moments (I'm looking at you, Koki!) are hilarious and it just makes me want to hug each and every one of the boys. :D :D :D

What I love about KAT-TUN is the fact that they're so versatile. Their songs don't just stick to one genre - they dabble in everything, and I ♥ it. I will never get bored with them. And to some who are saying this is Arashi-style, has no one heard Heart Beat? I think that song more than anything is very Arashippoi. (I dig it, though. I dig everything KAT-TUN does. If I don't like it at first, it more than likely grows on me! Like Going! did, lol.) Plus it's not like they're changing their style or anything. KAT-TUN has always done a variety of songs, and with Going!, nothing has changed in that regard. Seriously, just look at what they have for their B tracks! FALL DOWN and Smile are also extremely different, but still awesome in their own ways. What I don't get is that some people are acting like it's news that KAT-TUN dabbles in every genre. O.o;;

I am so PUMPED for the release of Going! on May 12. I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy~~~ ♥ Plus if the PV is any indication, the Making Of must be hilarious. I wonder if we'll get more factory skits. :P

What did you guys think? ^_^

P.S. I found the video on YouTube HERE (credit to the uploader there).

j&a: pv, graphics: picspam, jartists: kat-tun

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