(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 00:00

  • 08:26 Oh, the drama... I liked being ignorant. :( The deeper I look into KAT-TUN, the sadder I'm getting... ;___; #
  • 09:01 This is NOT healthy. And it's making me depressed. Yeah, definitely going to need a break. #
  • 15:53 People are idiots. Wth. #
  • 15:59 I'm having bad flashbacks from last season. -.-'' #
  • 16:22 Headache. >.>;; #
  • 16:47 Watching the 2001 Johnny's Sports Day makes my day a little brighter. Now, if I can find the DVD @mooglechan gave me...I can watch Zuka too! #
  • 23:57 I totally get what everyone is saying about Jin. Especially after watching a bunch of old clips. -sadness- #
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