(no subject)

Mar 28, 2010 00:00

  • 01:40 Photo: Though this drama is at times very lol-worthy and cracktastic, the message behind it is beautiful.... tumblr.com/xot7x3aie #
  • 05:18 ... ugh, Minam. BOO. #
  • 05:36 I want Shinwoo and Jeremy to have their own happy endings. ;____; And we really needed to see more of the real Minam. XP I liked him! #
  • 07:01 I have to see this Japanese movie! LOL. www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyNHWfvk-dk 「ダーリンは外国人」 #
  • 07:10 Smallville, hurry up and come back on my screen. :( I miss you. #
  • 21:44 I suddenly have an intense desire to go to a KAT-TUN concert. Maybe I should. Then I could visit @karuka_ikashi (and Mary). :) #
  • 21:45 Money is a problem, though. :P #
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