(no subject)

Feb 24, 2010 00:03

  • 01:43 Photo: “Hey, handsome.” “Hello, beautiful.” Eskimo kiss, ftw! P.S. If Lois ever called Clark “handsome” on... tumblr.com/xot6reb1k #
  • 10:46 Photo: onebreath: FINALLY!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ I’ve waited 3 years for this! tumblr.com/xot6rrq96 #
  • 10:59 I tumbled into a tumblr. Does that make sense? Yeah, no, I didn't think so. xP #
  • 11:00 Anyways, my tumblr is here: krysyuy.tumblr.com/ Still not sure what I'm doing, but what the heck. I'm winging it. #
  • 11:26 Video: This Clois video definitely needs more views/stars/comments. It’s ridiculously cute. La Grand Affaire... tumblr.com/xot6rssca #
  • 11:46 If Comic-Con moved to Anaheim, that would be awesome. B/c I'd be so close. Parking would be hell though. (Of course.) #
  • 12:43 All I want to know is this: Can he write Lois? RT @comingsoonnet David Goyer to write the new Superman movie bit.ly/bGimkA #
  • 13:04 Even though all this Superman film talk is still at the speculation stage... any chance we get a film!Clois that's happy? With Lois in #
  • 13:05 on the secret? Or, dare I say it, married?! -gasp- #
  • 13:06 Or engaged w/ the ending having a wedding... lol. I'd so be down with that. #
  • 13:46 It must be Smallville's influence, but I can't see Clark/Superman or Lois calling each other "babe". #
  • 14:05 I think the Alice in Wonderland trailers are boring. (For me, it's the music.) #
  • 14:22 ARGH. I wanna play!!! www.flynnlives.com/zerohour.htm Why can't I be in LA right now? #
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