(no subject)

Feb 23, 2010 00:03

  • 01:09 Holy crap, this chick is crazy. -paranoid- #
  • 08:08 Hear, hear! RT @gilliangsv Would've loved to see Tom direct another episode. I was hoping #21. But ah well. Next season it is :) #
  • 08:09 I actually liked The Deep End a lot more than Grey's Anatomy. A LOT MORE. (Alas, 'twas not meant to be.) #
  • 09:10 I love my new LiveJournal header! Smallville, ftw. "I ship, therefore I am." - LOL, so true. #
  • 22:42 LOVED IT!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ RT @hopelesslylazzy Clark Kent Anyone?------ www.youtube.com/watch?v=82WbJ6pQ0T4 #
  • 22:59 I favorited a YouTube video -- Clark Kent -- I Made It youtu.be/82WbJ6pQ0T4?a #
  • 23:04 Sleep time now. Glad I could catch @hopelesslylazzy's CK vidlet before I got my Zzzzs. :) Night, peeps! #
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