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pueblo_01 February 24 2010, 07:51:56 UTC
Grabbing this I love your vids... your now banner is love :)
I need a new layout and banner :( wish I knew lj layout code just don't have the time to mess around and learn it right now...I say againg love the new banner :D


pueblo_01 February 24 2010, 07:53:04 UTC
that was supposed to be again d..n the fact that I can't edit my comments:(


krysyuy February 25 2010, 10:32:36 UTC
Thank you! ♥ Really happy you liked it enough to download. :D Also happy you like my new header! I'm very pleased with it, unlike my past headers (the ones I've made myself - I adored Nora's, of course!).

Yeah, if you don't have a paid account, not being able to edit comments suck. (I always make mistakes in my comments.)

Thanks again for commenting! So far, 6 people have downloaded the vid, but only you've commented. :( So I really appreciate you taking the time. ♥ -hugs-

P.S. I'm pretty horrible at LJ layout code. Believe me, it was a HUGE headache trying to get my current LJ layout done just right. (I snagged code, etc from minty_peach and tweaked it.) Anyways, I could make a header for you, if you like? I can't do anything too fancy (like my previous banner, made by Nora), but if you like what I have currently, I can do something like that with whatever series you want. (Or a mix of series.) :)


pueblo_01 February 26 2010, 01:37:29 UTC
You are just made of awesome I would love a banner. Thank you. Lois/Clark, Peter/Olivia(fringe), Elliot/Olivia(svu) :) So hard to choose which couples/shows I wanted because I have so many like 52 shows and god knows how many couples. That's why I chose those three they are my most shipped ATM.

I try to comment on lj when i really like something. especially if i'm downloading it. its hard to keep up though cuz I have like 29 gigs of vids I need to catch up on.


krysyuy February 26 2010, 06:42:27 UTC
Okay! Awesome. Your three couples are noted. :) I have a few questions, though, so I could make a banner you'd like most. :)

- Do you want any text on it?
- Do you have any specific pictures in mind? (Favorite scenes? Fav promo stills? Or are you okay w/ me choosing?)
- What kind of style would you like? The way I have my banner now (black&white w/ clothes colored)? Or completely black&white? Or full color?

I know what you mean about it being hard to choose between couples/shows! (Well, if you take Smallville out of the equation for me, lol.)

Yeah, I also try to comment when I can. Unfortunately, I don't do it as much as I like. :/

Anyways, I'll try to get the banner done by Sunday. :)


pueblo_01 February 26 2010, 20:08:13 UTC
No pictures in mind you choose :) I love the style of your banner. If you could put my user name on it that would work and if the mood hits you put any saying that comes to mind at the time, or leave it with just my user name I trust your judgment.


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