"Warrior" ~ Chloe & Stephen Scene Transcript (Spoilers)

Feb 06, 2010 16:16

There be SPOILERS, so beware if you click on the cut.

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Warrior Clip Transcript

Shot of comic panel w/ hero thought bubble: More HANDSOME!

Stephen flexes and tries to look more handsome in the locker mirror.

Chloe: -coming up behind him- Y'know, after that heroic hit-and-run, it would be hard for even the most distressed damsel not to take offense.

Stephen: Oh... what would a hero say? -turns around- You're welcome, citizen.

Chloe tries not to be distracted by the fact that he's shirtless.

Chloe: And you left a not-so-subtle trail of bread crumbs on your way over here for the quick change.

Stephen: I'm sorry. This is all kind of new to me. I- I didn't realize how fast I was. -looks down, mumbles to himself- No sonic boom. So not that fast, I guess.

Chloe: Did you wanna...

Stephen: What?

Chloe looks at his chest. He looks down, realizes.

Stephen: Oh. -puts on a plain gray shirt, looks in the mirror again- Not very heroic. -turns around- Good street look, though.

Chloe: Uh, whether you feel like it or not, I know a superhero when I see one. I'm sort of in the business of helping superheroes.

Stephen: I don't think anyone's Dad talked about that on Career Day. Are you for real?

Chloe: Yeah, I'm about as real as it gets. -holds out her hand- Chloe Sullivan.

Stephen: Stephen Swift. -shakes her hand a little too hard, not realizing his strength-

Chloe: Ow!

Stephen: Sorry.

Chloe gives a little laugh.


I think Stephen's adorable. Too bad he's a kid, and not a viable love interest for Chloe. Though, it's gonna be my personal canon that Stephen has an older brother. And this grown-up version of Stephen is basically what Stephen's older brother looks like. :P

I love the lighting in that scene. And if this is supposed to be the same actor from Apocalypse, it doesn't really look like him. Did he lose weight? He looks a lot cuter now.

I am really, really going to enjoy this episode. I don't care what anyone else says.

tv: smallville

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