Ausiello Smallville Spoilers

Feb 04, 2010 01:17

Question: I am dying (of boredom) and my final wish is for a juicy Smallville spoiler. -Sarita
Ausiello: I hope you survive long enough to catch the Valentine’s Day-themed episode on Feb. 19, because it features two things no Smallville fan should miss: Lois dancing in a wedding dress and a catfight between Chloe and Tess!

♥ Lois dancing in a wedding dress!

Lois! In a wedding dress! *o* YAY! When stills of Bride came out, I remember thinking that AM looked really gorgeous (though I kinda hated the dress XD - seriously, what was up with the ribbons on the straps?), and I was a little sad that we would never get to see Lois in a wedding dress (since we've also seen Lana in one). But now, we will see her in one. ♥

And not only will she be wearing a wedding dress, she'll be dancing! I can see her dancing/twirling around in the living room, and that's what Clark walks into. It would also be the moment he realizes something is very wrong, lol.

I only hope that the wedding dress is actually a beautiful one, and not some tacky, really old-fashioned one. D: (I'm thinking of the fanvideo potential here...)

♥ Catfight between Chloe and Tess!

Finally, something about Chloe and Tess. I've been waiting for news on them since Pandora. Because Tess is not going to forget that Chloe is the one who killed her in the alternate future.

Anyways, as things stand now, I'd bet all my money on Tess. Come on, this is Tess Mercer, people! She took down a Kandorian. When she's not busy being a tad bit crazy and running LuthorCorp, she's training in some kind of fighting style. Chloe, on the other hand? No training or fighting experience whatsoever.

That being said, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the show does a 180 and Chloe somehow, miraculously beats Tess. I know, I know. Wth am I smoking? Well, with the Warrior trailer caps that came out of Oliver teaching Chloe the bow and arrow... I wouldn't be surprised if he is also teaching her self-defense. Yeah, I know. That still shouldn't be enough to beat Tess. Because Tess has been training for far longer, and again, she took down a freakin' Kandorian. The woman's got skills. But it's Smallville, and while the show has been incredibly awesome this season, it's still the show that's given a lot of WTF moments. I'd rather they not fulfill that quota this season, but y'know, I'll wait for the other shoe to drop, too.

Also, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that they reference Chloe taking self-defense lessons offscreen (as Offscreenville is a fabulous place where many a thing happens...) because of what she found out about the alternate future. I would want to learn how to fight if I found out I get killed by a Kandorian... :P

I am so excited for Persuasion. So excited. But also screwed because that's the week all my school stuff is due (10 page paper!). Oi vey.

Oh, and until the episode airs, I'm just going to pretend that Tess finds out that Chloe sets her sights on Lois, and that Tess gets in Chloe's way because no one is going to take down Lois Lane but her, etc etc. :P

tv: smallville

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