Catch-Up on SV News aka OMG!!!

Jan 28, 2010 23:14

… and more SV thoughts/speculation.

Yes, I'm breaking my hiatus early because I can't stand not talking about it anymore!!! (Plus all my school work is done for the week. -bounces- Yay! Though next week is a different matter entirely...)

ETA: I wrote this before I read the TVGuide article with Justin. :P

Holy. Crap. Out of all the weeks to go missing, I chose the two where news was coming out the wazoo. Let’s see… what to comment on first…

Martha Kent returning for 9x21!
A few weeks ago, I was getting really nostalgic for Martha, due to Paloma’s gorgeous picspam HERE. Then, BAM. This news broke.

And I was like, yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss!

Then I imagined the Clois shower scene in Gone, take 2! *o* Hehehe…

I think Martha will be returning for the Amanda Waller stuff that’s going down. I’d like to think General Lane is going to pop up down the road. ;)

If you love Clark and Martha, and are excited about this news, then you have to watch this video by openmouthwideeye HERE. If you can believe it, this was made before the news broke! What a coincidence.

Perry White returning for 9x21!
Double yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!! YES-YES~~!!!!

Freakin’ Perry White. I ♥ it. HUGE bonus points for snagging the same actor, SV! McKean~! Woo-woo! I suppose it helps that the lovely Annette O’Toole will be guest-starring on the same episode as him, so they’re able to fly in and out together. :D

I hope this means a DP storyline! They seriously need to focus on Clark’s side as a reporter.

Silver Banshee as villain for 9x16 Escape
I enjoyed her appearance in Superman/Batman Public Enemies. I think she makes for a pretty cool villain. I do wonder why she’s at the B&B in the first place? XD;; Such a strange place to haunt…

Chlollie… confirmed?
Justin Hartley: In “Disciple” can assume that he's with a lot of women. I will say this. One of them is...I can't tell you who it is, but I can tell you that it's a series regular, and it's not someone that I've been with before. So we'll see how that goes.
~ JH Newsarama Interview

Umm, let’s see, Justin… lol, the math isn’t that hard. All signs point to CHLOE.

I’m not gonna lie. I’m surprised. Am I dreading it? NO. On a completely shallow note, I think they’d make a gorgeous couple.
Do the characters mesh well together? I haven’t given it much thought. I like the idea of Chlollie - it intrigues me - but I’m not going to pretend there aren’t issues there as well. What I mean is, if they do get together, there are plenty of issues for them to deal with. (For one, he dated her cousin? C’mon. It’s got to be a little weird.) But if it happens, I’m going to enjoy it and see where it goes.

However, if something is happening between them in Disciple - unless there’s a huge time gap between then and Pandora or we’re supposed to assume something happened offscreen - I really don’t want to hear anything about Clois being a lightswitch from Chlollie fans. (A criticism of Clois that I’ve most often seen from Chloe fans - and you can be sure Chlollie fans are mixed in there - is that Clois was lightswitched. I hate that word.) And for the record, I consider myself a Chlollie fan. I am a multishipper. Just… no double standards, please.

However, I don’t know how far Chlollie will go because, if there is a Season 10 (-fingers crossed-), JH is signed, but AM is not (…yet?). And I know some people groan at the mythos, but the fact of the matter is, Dinah is Oliver’s destiny. I’d just hate for Chloe’s heart to be broken. Again. Can this girl get some happiness, please?! (That’s why I’m excited for Stephen…) Of course, this being a prequel series (or, it’s supposed to be - not that I’m complaining! Clois would have been nothing but a pipe dream if they took the prequel thing really seriously), they don’t have to show the break-up… I’m getting ahead of myself. XD;;

I’m still looking forward to the Chloe/Stephen in Warrior. I am puzzled about how this will all work into the Chlollie angle. Will this reinforce Chloe’s feelings for Oliver? (Getting ahead of myself again…) Will Chloe and Stephen part ways, but with the option of Stephen there, waiting in the wings (in preparation for Chloe’s exit arc)? Also, the actor looks so different from how he looked in Apocalypse. I think he looks better now, lol.

And from Matt on the Chlollie subject:
Any Chloe spoilers for this week’s new ‘Smallville‘ episode, “Disciple”? - Lorraine
You know how everyone is wondering about a Chloe/Oliver hookup? Well, this I can assure you: At least one guy toting a bow and arrow has his sights set on Miss Sullivan.
~ Matt @ Fancast

Is this Matt trying to be clever? Because we know the Dark Archer sets his sights on Chloe. Ha, ha. Very funny…

However! Justin also had this to say in an interview with Damian Holbrook:
Do you factor into “Warrior”?
JH: The one Allison [Mack, Chloe] directed? I do, a little bit. There’s a pivotal scene, but it’s a little scene…I’m just glad I got to work with Allison.
~ Damian @ TVGuide

Pivotal scene… in what way, Justin? In WHAT WAY?!

ETA: Okay, just read the TV Guide Interview with Justin... he confirms it!

LOL. After doing everything but point-blank confirming it, he point-blank confirms it. Oh, Justin.

So. Chlollie is happening.

JH: [...] What Chloe is asking for is a little bit different; it's more Oliver's speed. Not to downplay it or say it's a convenient thing, they're definitely comfortable together and they understand each other and don't have to put on a front.
~ Natalie @ TVGuide

So, friends-with-benefits type deal? Interesting. They've never actually done this with a relationship on SV before. I wonder how this will play out. Will Oliver be scratching an itch, so to speak? And then Chloe will have a more emotional connection with Stephen? I mean, does that make sense? I'm not articulating it right... :P

ZOMG. Then Chloe and Oliver are at the B&B for the same reasons as Clark and Lois... ROFL. I can already see their faces as the two couples bump into each other... XD

Kelly actually already hinted at Chlollie all the way back in October. Could there be a new love interest in her future?
Souders: Oh, just maybe yes. I think there's going to be a hint of some feelings under the surface. If you pay attention, I think there's somebody she maybe has a little bit of a fire for. I'm not saying [who], I'll give you this much: It's somebody who is very charming and it would be hard for anybody not to have a fire for.

Chlollie came to mind when I read this, but I thought there was no way they were going there. And then they did. :P I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK.

But I will enjoy it. ;P

Clark and the power of persuasion
Any news on what the ‘Smallville‘ episode “Persuasion” is about? - Tyson
Oh yes. This episode will find Clark exposed to a kryptonite gemstone which gives him the superpower of (see episode title). So for example, something he casually says to Lois leads her to promptly move in with her beau and play happy homemaker. Similarly (and more gravely), an offhand remark he makes to Chloe about her recent priorities will have unforeseen, complicated repercussions.
~ Matt @ Fancast

This episode is gonna be epic. LOL, I love it already.

But… “kryptonite gemstone”? As opposed to good ol’ regular kryptonite? I suppose it would have to be a gemstone, considering regular kryptonite (any color) doesn’t give Clark powers. I hope Ausiello didn’t get his facts mixed up with his Red-K spoiler! D: Though it’s more than likely… -disappointed-

This episode was previously titled Hubris. Huh. Wonder why.

Martian Manhunter, not just in Absolute Justice
Hi, News Master. We humbly ask if thou hast any ‘Smallville‘ news or spoilers. Anything at all. Blessed be thee if you do. - Josue_can via Twitter
Rains, pours! Here’s a little something on a dude who shares this News Master’s initials: “Absolute Justice” isn’t the only episode Martian Manhunter will appear in this season.
~ Matt @ Fancast

AWESOME. Love the Martian Manhunter. :D I’m going to assume he’s involved with the Waller and Checkmate stuff.

Random Absolute Justice Thoughts
I think, out of the JSA peeps, Stargirl’s costume is the most underwhelming. Don’t like her mask. HATE her staff. (Can it look any more fake?) I’m disappointed because Stargirl looks really cool in the comics, and I usually like the SV take on comic costumes. (I really, really loved the Legion.) But Stargirl’s doesn’t work for me.

The Canadian Absolute Justice trailer kicks ass. Looks awesome.

I look forward to the showdown in the second half of AJ, though I hope Clark is doing more than just superspeeding. He does have other powers, y’know. (How about using some of that superbreath once in awhile, CK? Or, I don’t know, your X-ray vision?)

Michael Shanks! The Canadian trailer reminded me why I’m going to give Hawkman a chance. (“Time to go hunting.” LOL.) :D Soulmate talk. PLEASE.

Clark and Zod… working together?
UPDATED 1/26/10: The Kandorians are attempting to integrate themselves into society, but when they start to go missing, Zod and Clark work together to solve the mystery behind the disappearances.
~ KryptonSite

Now that’s what I’m talking about! Interesting. Smells like Amanda Waller to me. Or an elaborate plot by Zod? I don’t know. Either way, sounds good.

Lots of great spoilers/news came out… but what about Tess? What’s the Tess and Chloe dynamic gonna be like? (I am really interested in this after the stuff that went down in the Pandora future that Tess knows, but Chloe has no idea…) I want to kkknnnnooooowwwww…

Other Smallville issues I’ve seen come up over the past two weeks as I’ve perused the threads and twitter… Feel free to skip if you don’t want to read my random thoughts...

Clois and the secret and sex…
If Clark and Lois have sex without Lois knowing the secret… I’m not gonna lie. I’m not going to have a problem with it.

I do think part of the reason is that I don’t expect Lois to find out until the 200th episode or towards the end of the series. And if you think the Clois relationship is going to go that long without it being consummated… well. :P

I’d like for Clark to voice his opinion on the whole thing. Verbalize it aloud. Does he want to tell her? Not want to tell her? Is he trying to protect her? Is he afraid she’ll change because of it? Clark, let us into your head!

I do find myself sympathizing with Clark often on this issue, just because he’s getting constantly ragged on about this. But I do see both sides.

Does Lois deserve to know? Yes. Will he tell her before they have sex? I honestly don’t think so. But we’ll see. -shrugs- Ideally, I want him to. But, realistically? In terms of SV’s track record and external influences (restrictions, story, etc)… Yeah, I’m leaning more towards ‘no’.

I love him. I do. Sometimes he needs a good slap to the head, but I remain an Oliver fan throughout. Just felt like stating it because a lot of people rag on him. I don’t mind when he gets screentime (I do not consider him a ‘timesuck’). I also enjoy upbeat Ollie rather than downward spiral Oliver. So, here’s to Oliver getting back on track! I’m really looking forward to Disciple, not just for the Clois couple stuff, but for the Dark Archer storyline.

What episode am I looking forward to the most?
No, not Escape. I’m actually looking forward to Warrior the most. Surprise! I don’t know what it is, but I think I’m really going to enjoy it. I felt the same way about Hex. I thought Hex sounded like a whole lot of fun, and it wasn’t until later that I heard people had dreaded it before it aired. I loved it. Usually, I have a pretty good feel about these things (as in, what my reaction to episodes will be). I was feeling ‘eh’ about Echo, and it turned out to be an ‘eh’ episode for me. For Idol, I thought I would end up loving it, and I did. Of course, I can be surprised. Rabid, for example, surprised me with how much I took to it. (I abhor zombies.)

Actually, scratch that. Warrior is the second episode I’m looking forward to the most. The first one is whatever episode the Red-K is in. I freakin’ love Red-K. I don’t care what anyone else says. I love it. And I’m looking forward to whatever Kal is going to do.

Wait, no. My most highly anticipated episode is Persuasion. Almost forgot about that! So bump down everything down one. Again. XD;; (Wait. We’re still going to have a Red-K episode, right? RIGHT?! -sobs- Damn you, Ausiello, for getting my hopes up!)

Confession Time!
My OT3 is Clark/Lois/Oliver. (Also, Clark/Lois/Bruce.) I want to write it. I do. :P Don’t you dare judge me when I dooooo! -runs away-

Some old Smallville fandom confessions HERE. Re-posted some stuff here already.

Let me close out this long, random Smallville post with this lovely quote by Justin -

Justin Hartley: But then, you know, I appreciate it when no one is there and they can dive in to the Clark (Tom Welling) story a little bit more. The Superman story. I have a lot of faith in them and what they're doing. They tend to know exactly...they have their finger on the pulse, you know what I mean? They have their story, their year, and they do a really good job of keeping everybody tuned in throughout the course of the year. So however many new characters they need or to maybe keep them away for a while and focus on Clark, they really do a good job.
~ JH Newsarama Interview

Justin, if I didn’t already love you, this would have been the deal breaker. ;)

P.S. Ack, I have no commentary on Erica's interview! Will come later in a separate post b/c she deserves it. :P

SPOILERS behind the cuts.

Smallville~! Less than 24 hours to go~! Woo-hoo~!!!!

P.S. Drabble #12 posted. Check back periodically throughout the day. I hope to have a few more posted before Disciple... (And no, #10 still isn't done b/c my muse hates me.)

tv: smallville

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