Jan 12, 2005 19:08
I remember when I first said that I really liked Ian, a bunch of people, (yes you too, Amber) gave me shit that he was a rude person and all and that I'd be miserable with him. Yet, why is it now, that I've found someone that I can finally be happy with, all the people that gave me all that shit about him, are now flirting and cuddling up to him? I don't know if it's just me or what. I dunno, maybe I'm just being paranoid...
But yah, I'm incredably happy with Ian. I love him so much. He really is the only boyfriend I've ever had that I've been able to be myself. I can sing in front of him and not feel shy. I can totally embarrass myself, and still be happy knowing that he loves me.
I really haven't updated much lately. I got DDR Max for a x-mas gift. I play it almost everyday for like 2 hours. I'm starting to get some muscle in my legs. I love playing it. I unlocked a bunch of songs. I'm still playing on light, but I kick ass on Exotic Enthic, Sandstorm and Japan. I'm working on another unlock. I just need to get a "AA" on My Generation.
But anyhoo, news spreads like wildfire in this school! OHMIGODDESS, Christina my love, you are going to be sooooo proud of me! ^__^ I can't wait to hang out with you next weekend. We got so much to catch up on and maybe I can stay at your house, instead of my house...Merrimack is more fun and there isn't too much to do in my area. Hopefully, John doesn't scedule me for saturday. If he does, I'll just call in sick or something. (I love being a brat)
But anyhoo...I'm gonna go on gaia now, catch ya later peoples!!!