Dec 11, 2004 20:58
omg, Ian got his lisence yesterday and he drove us to the mall. It was wicked cool. We went to the mall first. I got things for my x-tina, Axel, and my dad. I got x-tina a pair of pentacle earrings, Axel, a sword necklace and a Ceres vol. 1 comic, and I got my dad a American Choppers motorcycle model. I'm getting another one for him, the "Black Widow" that they made on TV two weeks ago.
But yah, we drove around for awhile, we went to Merrimack, I know the town pretty good so I showed him around and we stopped by x-tina's house. She was showing me her Sims Busting Out game. Took her 45 minutes to finally make her damn character then Ian and I had to be on our way, cause it was about 4pm and I had to be home for 5....but yah
I'm going to go on gaia now, so I'll catch ya later peoples. Ttfn!