{you weirdo.}

Apr 06, 2006 13:17

Call me crazy if you will, but sometimes I feel like I want to someone to just trample over me. Tear me apart. Something!
I see myself just laying in the liddle of a field or something,. limbs oustretched, just waiting for someone or something to.. DEFEAT me.

Now that I think about it, I think that feeling might be stress.

But yes. It is Thursday, April 6, 2006 and Krystyna Soljan is STILL failing at life.

IIII hate myyyseeelllff.

I forgot to mention that our room flooded last week. I think it was Tuesday night. The bathroom down teh hall got all backed up and just started seeping down the hall, and into our room. Lovely! First a moldy ceiling, now a toilet-watery FLOOR in our new room. Honestly, we've just had the greatest luck with housing this year. Hopefully things for next year work out, since I'm still stuck without a nice group to live with; my 4 close friends have already joined up to be in a quad, so I'm the oddball out. Now, in the tutorial crowd, I have like one good friend and a bunch of aquaintances and I really have no idea how that's going to work out.

So I forgot to do my hw for RC class today.. which is, probably, the easiest and most enjoyable class I have. ARGGHH!!! What am I DOING?! We never even have assignments for that class, so OBVIOUSLY one of the few times I do, I don't do it. What's worse, two of us were assigned to take car eof this today, and neither one of us did a good job. I can't believe myself sometimes. What am I DOING? WAKE UP!

Haha. I tell people sometimes how when I'm in a certain mood (usually, having gone without sleep) or not wearing glasses, everything seems really surreal.. kind of blurry. lol. Soooounds like I have problems. What do YOU think?

UuHh. What else. Work today, then chamber ensembles. Do hw I didn't do yesterday (look up article online, write up summary.) Study Spanish vocab para manana, finish writing up a dialogue/skit (it's going to be funny- I met up with my partner Andrew yesterday and we had a fwe laughs. We're going to be thieves robbing the National Gold Museum of Colombia, or something), maybe read something for Religious Thinkers, do laundry and/or clean my room, not wait endlessly and unproductively in hopes that Kyle will call me, not not complain if Kyle doesn't call me, not drag on the phonecall and be a whiny ridiculous baby when the conversation has obviously reached a stopping point, try and get stuff DONE and go to SLEEP for once.

I called up the Catholic Worker today, so that Kyle and I can go hit them up this weekend for a few hours. I don't think they have actual work for us to do.. I think all that happens is that a bunch of kids come, and we probably just play with them. w000t. Maybe we'll stay after and do other stuff too, idk. I think the weather might be crappy though. That stinks, I really want to work in a GARDEN somewhere! Rowrrr, DIRT <3 lol. Jay kay, I don't like the dirft, I like the GrEeNerY. And sprouting thiiings! :o)

HaAa. I'm a creep. Yo, Devlin, Santiago and Brett chille din my room last night for a half hour talking about how mytunes is dedicated to Lisa SanPascual. UmmmCREEPY?! Yeah, I think so.

It's late for work. Actually, late for lunch before work.. so I must go. Peace out GuyZzZZ.
Also, that last entry was a joke. My thoughts follow obvious trains of thought, if you don't notice. Haha, no they don't.. but I at least group the separate cars accordingly, you know? They're disjointed thoughts.. but at the same time.. cohesive in their own little way. AwWwWW, my thouuuugghhttss!

We had a meeting for tutorial yesterday, and discussed the name for our program next year. Someone suggested we call it Fred after this Professor who apssed earlier in the year, and my first reaction was to personify our dorm.. like paint a big moustache on the side of the building or something. Go figure..

SchEe YAaa.

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