Circle Night....

Mar 04, 2006 11:02

I do love our circle nights.  For about a year now, motivation to circle up and provide myself with a decent time to be spiritual has been few.  We dont have students that we are mentoring with the temple, and with all thats going on, im ok with that however I long for a fire pit and grass under my feet and candles under the moon light

Our current house isnt very "outside circle" friendly as we live on the corner of a very busy road and no natural separation between us and hundreds of cars that go wisping by.  That kinda takes away from things a bit.  So we make due the best way we can by setting up sacred space in our living room.  We have it down to a science now as it is really a beautifull setup however it takes a bit of work to get everything up and going and its hard to work up the motivation to go through the trouble of setting up for just myself.  Sure I could do something lesser, or just find a quiet space to meditate, but hey, lets get to the heart of the matter.  I am lazy.

So, to counter this laziness, I find I get more done when other people are involved and expecting.  So we decided to have a bi-monthly circle open to the select public.  And I say "select" because there are some people in this pagan community that we really dont want in our circle.  Ironically enough, its a number of the pagan community leaders.  We want new people... new to the craft or new to the community; untainted by the current pagan community drama.

So tonight is our second night and I really look forward to it.  I was gifted a new wand that I cant wait to get some usage out of and I made a necklace that holds a great deal of meaning for me that I would like to concecrate.

I think we need to come up with something catchy to call these evenings, since its not just for circling, its also for getting together with friends and meeting new people, having drinks and generally being pagan-social.

I will take picture this evening and get them online for all to see.

Bright Blessings,
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