Oct 01, 2008 13:18
I bought a deer skull on ebay for my lamp. But it has no lower jaw. But I found a place that (oddly enough) sells the lower mandibles of deer.
And I made a latino friend whose family consumes various animal forms and said he'd bring me presents of animal bones and stuff for me to use. He's supposed to bring me some deer rawhide later today.
I wish I could find the rest of the deer neck vertebrae. I have like...4 odd ball vertebrae that don't seem to fit anywhere on the rest of the spine, and the spine has almost no neck to speak of. It basically starts between the shoulders, so attaching the skull directly to that looks a bit odd (at least from my animal-anatomy knowledgeable point of view).
I'll take some pictures prolly later today or tomorrow and post them so you guys can see and let me know what you think.
I also need to find a good way to attach the hip bones while hiding the metal frame and keeping the whole thing balanced.
I should have taken some kind of assemblage sculpture class, but that's what I have a sculpture major roomie for. ^-^