Jun 01, 2007 15:58
I'm very sorry to those of you who do read my journal. It's my day off and I'm killer bored.
Chapter 1: Personal
Initials: KAM
Middle name: Ann
Birthday: February 10, 1988
Birth Place: Clare
Current location: My house.
Height: about 5'6
Hair length: Long
Eye color: Brown, they used to change into a honey color, but they no longer do.
Piercings: Ears..I've thought about others...
Birthmarks: One, on my right knee, I think.
Chapter 2: Family
Do you live with your parents: Nope.
Do you get along with your parents? Yep, my mom stopped over for lunch today.
Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
What pets do you have? 1, Patches O'Houlahan, my chocolate lab.
What are there names? Patches O' Houlahan
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: I've not been to enough to decide.
Season: All except winter.
clothing brand: Pshh, No idea. I don't think I care enough to have one.
Color: Brown, purple, red, sage.
Number: 28
Chapter 4: Do You ...
Sing in the shower? No.
Write memos on your hand? Sometimes.
Call people back? Yep, unless it's David.
Believe in love? Yep.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes.
Wear glasses or contacts? Pretty glasses.
Chapter 5: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping? Nope.
Worn braces? Yes.
Broken a bone? No
Had stitches? Nope.
Punched someone in the face? I've smacked someone, but not punched.
Skipped school? Who hasn't?
Taken painkillers? Yep.
Gone SCUBA diving? No, but I would like to.
Been stung by a bee? Many times.
Thrown up in a restaurant? Nope.
Been to overnight camp? Nope.
Written a letter to Santa Claus? I don't think so, I've always made lists and given them to my mom.
Had detention? For absenteeism.
Been sent to the principal's office? Yes, for absenteeism.
Been called a bitch? I think everyone has at least once, whether it be jokingly or not.
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you? I haven't IMed in ages.
Person to call you? My land lady to say she was going to be late to pick up the rent.
Person you hugged? Patches, and my mom.
Person you tackled? Mike, probably.
Thing you touched? the keyboard you retard.
Thing you ate? Mac and Cheese
Drank? Orange Crystal light.
Thing you said? GET BACK! (to Patches).