Downward Spiral (Paire) NC-17 [1/?]

Feb 25, 2008 22:42

Title: Downward Spiral
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes, or it would be on HBO
Pairing:  Paire
Rating: NC-17
Summary:  Peter’s been gone for 2 years, and in his wake he’s left a drug addicted Claire.  Everyone is trying to help her, but he might be the only one who can get through to her.
Spoilers:  Through the first few episodes of Season 2
Warnings:  Drug Addiction, Angst, and Peter/Claire Canon
A/N:  After Peter turned up in Ireland, he didn’t find out who he was until 2 years passed.  That is where this story picks up.  Just think: Claire and Peter fall in love, then she thinks she’s lost him forever.

Chapter One

Claire paced back and forth in her tiny apartment in East L.A. Apparently, her healing abilities did nothing to help the withdrawals when she didn’t have any money.  Though they came in very handy when it came to all the bruises she had almost acquired at the hand of the men she let abuse her.

The apartment was disgusting, and two years ago no one would believe that this would be the home of Claire Bennett, but many things had changed since then.  There was a tattered rug on the floor and no curtains.  The two pieces of furniture in the room were a single mattress on the floor and a coffee table she used to cook her drugs.  There was no food in the kitchen because she didn’t eat.  The drugs were more important.

Her family, both adoptive and biological, had tried to keep her from her downward spiral.  Noah still checked in on her weekly, and she could tell that her state was killing him, but she didn’t care anymore.  The only thing she did care about died a long time ago.  Nathan sent her money regularly, and that, along with her stripping job, kept her in that awful apartment and drugs in her system.

The rest of the gang tried to keep an eye on her too. They had all pretty much relocated to L.A., and Nikki, especially, had taken to cleaning up Claire messes.  They were all worried about her, but no one knew what to do to help her.

But she didn’t care about them.  All she cared about was her next fix, and if she didn’t get to work it wasn’t going to happen.  Maybe one of the girls would have a little something to hold her over until she got off work.  She pulled her shoes on and headed out the door.

She walked quickly down to the club she danced at.  It was a short walk, but it could be dangerous, given the neighborhood.  Once inside, she spotted Candy, a girl known for being generous with her drugs and she pulled her into the back dressing room.

“What’s up, Cee?” The girl asked, chomping her gum loudly.

“You got anything?” Claire asked, itching at her skin.

“What do you want?” Candy asked, pulling out her purse.  “I got some Crystal and a little Coke.” She said, pulling two baggies out.  It was common place for the girls to get high before going on stage, so it wasn’t unusual to see drugs out in the open in the dressing room.

“The Crystal.” Claire said, already grabbing for the bag and unrolling the aluminum foil.  She cooked up her drugs in record time and sighed with relief after she felt them take effect even after the first hit.  Her body tingled and the world fell away.  Things felt right again, and she eased into normalcy once more.

She dressed for work, sipping a bottle of Jack Daniels for an hour before she went on stage.  She always blocked out everything when she danced for the disgusting men who couldn’t keep their hands off of her.  She concentrated on the drugs and on a face she couldn’t forget no matter how many hits she took.

She hated Peter.  She hated him so much she wished she’d never met him.  He did this to her.  He made her fall in love with him; then he left her.  It didn’t matter that he died trying to save the world.  Rationality had died with him in her mind.  Now, all she had was her drugs and this shitty life of self-loathing.


When she got back to her apartment, late that night, she saw an eviction notice on her door and Noah in her apartment.  “What do you want?” she bit out, brushing past him.  She had a bag full of drugs she needed to get into her body as soon as possible and he wasn’t helping matters. Another problem of her powers; it took a lot more drugs to keep her high.

“Why didn’t you pay your rent?” Noah asked.  He knew he probably shouldn’t even try having a rational conversation with her, but he couldn’t help but hold out hope that his little girl was trapped in this stranger’s body.

“I forgot,” she huffed, and it was partially true. Though even if she had remembered, she probably wouldn’t have paid it.

“Is Nathan still sending you money?” Noah pressed.

“Yes,” Claire snapped.  “It’s fine.  I’ll take care of it.”

“Claire bear…” Noah started, but Claire pushed him hard out the open door.

“Stop calling me that.” She screamed.  “I’m not your little girl. I’m not even your daughter.  Just leave me alone!” She slammed the door in his face and locked in behind her before turning around and plopping down on the mattress in the middle of the room, bag of drugs in hand.


claire, heroes, peter, nc-17, fanfic

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