Dec 16, 2006 02:20
Good news for once! YAY!
So my semster is finally over, all of my projects are done and turned in... so excited! To celebrate my semster being over, and my day off, and because I couldn't do it last thursday, this coming thursday I'm going to drink from when I wake up until whenever. Even better, my friend Amanda is going to join me when she gets off work at noon. So happiness all around for me. Christmas season still sucks my will to live, thank you alcohol for keeping me alive, because our work schedule is crazy, minus christmas eve, but everyday until then we are open from 8am to 11pm. sucks ass!!! ha ha ha, but oh well, i'm partying like a rock star so I feel great! yay to free time! love you guys!
Peace out, YO!
That is all... for now... *evil laugh*